Didn't exactly hit me like a slap in the face, but there's a few things that need saying. Don't for the love of the big bang theory, make any new years resolutions ,they are quite frankly way too mainstream...and this may just be me, but if you wanna do something don't wait for a new year to start doing it.
Second. Every problem you have, means your alive to have it. And as cliche as it is...live life, it's fucking short (like me)
Also. I've come to realise that insecurity is entirely powered by you. no one else can fix how you feel about yourself. Basically if you don't care. no one else will, slightly more realistic than ''if you think your the shit, you will be the shit''.
Last lil bit of philosophical bullcrap I just made up is that this is true shit ''You always want what you do not have'' so imagine not having the things you do have. Screw the small issues whatever those things may have. And stop caring. Trust me, it's easier.
Best wishes to all for the new year xxxx
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
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Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
*obligatory deep 2011 title*
I feel like I say this every year, but this one has gone so fast. Just when I thought my GCSE's were going to end my quite happy existence. I got through and got into college, who'd have thought that would happen? So like everything this year has had it's ups and downs. And it would be way to anti-mainstream to not mention them so here goes:
the slightly shittier things that hit the fan
-Grandad died, and quite frankly screwed up my Grandmother and my Dad.
-Dad got very ill twice, during one he did nearly die.
-A certain clueless guy made me quite confused and very upset for a while.
-Luke and Hannah got married.
-I technically played my first gig, (at their wedding).
-redfest(minus one blonde)
-prom (specifically the after party)
-passed GCSE's with minimal effort...hell to the yeah
-the 26th of october 2011. Must remember that one.
-This Christmas has been lovely catching up with all my family that I haven't seen in like 9 years.
-Every single one of Harvey's Pool parties.
-I gained a best friend, that I really don't know what I would do without sometimes.
-And the fact that I'm still here.
So Happy New year XD
the slightly shittier things that hit the fan
-Grandad died, and quite frankly screwed up my Grandmother and my Dad.
-Dad got very ill twice, during one he did nearly die.
-A certain clueless guy made me quite confused and very upset for a while.
-Luke and Hannah got married.
-I technically played my first gig, (at their wedding).
-redfest(minus one blonde)
-prom (specifically the after party)
-passed GCSE's with minimal effort...hell to the yeah
-the 26th of october 2011. Must remember that one.
-This Christmas has been lovely catching up with all my family that I haven't seen in like 9 years.
-Every single one of Harvey's Pool parties.
-I gained a best friend, that I really don't know what I would do without sometimes.
-And the fact that I'm still here.
So Happy New year XD
I've been thinking, (dangerous, I know), that's it, Just been thinking. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO THAT WILL NEVER GET DONE EVER.....I'm fucked. And I have yet again managed to amaze myself with how much stuff I can do to avoid doing all of it...So I got up, at 12 which wasn't the best start. Hate way too much. Spent about an hour dancing around my kitchen to Beyoncé (way 2 cool). Painted my nails. because you know that's important. And now here I am, only about half way through one piece of work...
Congratulations. To me.
Congratulations. To me.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Pradnya Bhot ''i cannot slap my ex...actually no1 shud...hw cn u h8 person..who wer d mst imp. part of your lyf..i dnt regret tym i spent wid him..nor i h8 him.. :)''
YES. This person does exist. If you know that a 'y' is also an 'i' sound then you also must have deliberately spelt the entire of that null in void comment wrong. Congratulations pratt.
Moving swiftly on, I have to try and so some work today, but there are annoyingly several other things I would rather be doing. But you don't deserve to be bored with that if I know you even remotely well.
hope life is treating you all well. And see you next time on the most pointless blog on the internet.
YES. This person does exist. If you know that a 'y' is also an 'i' sound then you also must have deliberately spelt the entire of that null in void comment wrong. Congratulations pratt.
Moving swiftly on, I have to try and so some work today, but there are annoyingly several other things I would rather be doing. But you don't deserve to be bored with that if I know you even remotely well.
hope life is treating you all well. And see you next time on the most pointless blog on the internet.
Monday, 26 December 2011
The Decision
of which blog to actually post this on was much more difficult than normal today, considering that I wasn't sure if some of what I want to vent was really up to the expected festive season standards. (will have to phone them and ask.)So heres how I'll do this:
First draft: So as much as I want to pretend I had a good day it would have been better if several of the following things hadn't happened. First being my child/fucking annoying twattish old man of an ex boss that I happen to resent living next to phoned us up at Luke and Hannah's (after having not managed to reach us at our own house) because he wants to reiterate the same fucking thing he has told me about 7 and half times. Second being That my relatives managed to be a tad more arsey than normal due to a few things like my uncle being ill and my nan over reacting to this and phoning up the HNS (which are of course gonna be really fucking helpful on boxing day) and my Dad then judging all of my Mum's family, which basically always upsets her. Otherwise alright.
Second draft: So things could have gone better but hey, no one died right?? I still have all this amazing stuff I got and a load of money to go to my next guitar and today was good. To an extent, we just ended up drowning all the shit with YouTube. (Which if you didn't know is the way forward) because of this vid which I otherwise would not have watched:
Do yourself a favour and full screen this shit. You won't regret it. THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH.
also. Heard this for the first time today.
IT'S AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
First draft: So as much as I want to pretend I had a good day it would have been better if several of the following things hadn't happened. First being my child/fucking annoying twattish old man of an ex boss that I happen to resent living next to phoned us up at Luke and Hannah's (after having not managed to reach us at our own house) because he wants to reiterate the same fucking thing he has told me about 7 and half times. Second being That my relatives managed to be a tad more arsey than normal due to a few things like my uncle being ill and my nan over reacting to this and phoning up the HNS (which are of course gonna be really fucking helpful on boxing day) and my Dad then judging all of my Mum's family, which basically always upsets her. Otherwise alright.
Second draft: So things could have gone better but hey, no one died right?? I still have all this amazing stuff I got and a load of money to go to my next guitar and today was good. To an extent, we just ended up drowning all the shit with YouTube. (Which if you didn't know is the way forward) because of this vid which I otherwise would not have watched:
Do yourself a favour and full screen this shit. You won't regret it. THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH.
also. Heard this for the first time today.
IT'S AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 25 December 2011
What I want to do Won't fit here...
which is the following
(I like the only half of that is apparently a spelling error.)
Best wishes xoxo
(I like the only half of that is apparently a spelling error.)
Best wishes xoxo
Saturday, 24 December 2011
If you actually haven't missed me,
Don't you love it when your just so god damn proud of your Christmas gold, glittery eye make up that you just can't stop catching your own gaze in mirrors. And I'm so organized that I'm doing my Christmas cards now. On Christmas Eve.
Happy Holidays xoxo
Don't you love it when your just so god damn proud of your Christmas gold, glittery eye make up that you just can't stop catching your own gaze in mirrors. And I'm so organized that I'm doing my Christmas cards now. On Christmas Eve.
Happy Holidays xoxo
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Pretty impressive evening...
no honest to god...aside from the confusingly bad dj that kept fucking everything up...
and one comment that put me in a very good mood.
*goes to bed leaving this in draft form*
GOOD MORNING ALL, how the fuck I am awake and this hyper so early in the morning when I didn't get to sleep until half two is beyond me. Never the less should be a good evening tonight. *cries because everyone is turning 17 before her*
O&O xoxo
and one comment that put me in a very good mood.
*goes to bed leaving this in draft form*
GOOD MORNING ALL, how the fuck I am awake and this hyper so early in the morning when I didn't get to sleep until half two is beyond me. Never the less should be a good evening tonight. *cries because everyone is turning 17 before her*
O&O xoxo
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011
And Finally,
after a year, Luke and Hannah are now married, and I'm actually just very happy with the whole day...granted my Dad very continently told me something earlier which made me more than slightly passive aggressive towards my mums step dad to say the least, but I'm not letting that fucking twat ruin this blog post.
Hannah looked fucking gorgeous, the ceremony wasn't too tedious and the reception was fucking awesome because like a proper wedding everyone got smashed, and there was open mic during which the maid of honour and her band did a set which was a nice touch. And of course Luke's folk band also did a set (even without him present), which although not to my taste did fit the chilled drunk atmosphere quite well...and, I swear I forgot something. Oh yeah...I actually managed to do an ADTR song. And I'm incredibly happy with all the comments I got from the other 'professional' musicians saying how good I was. Aside from that just happy I didn't chicken out. (and that no one noticed I fucked up all of the lyrics)
Jen: '' OMG. LIKE. DUDE. THAT WAS SOOOOOOO AWESOME.when I heard you say you might do a song, I was just like oh cool man.*dramatic pause*I had no idea you were gonna go and be that good.''
Anachy and insanity
Thursday, 15 December 2011
So maybe I didn't feed your fucking horrible collection of rats. Don't try to make me feel guilty after phoning me at half 12 at night and then hanging up giving me no chance to explain myself. THEY WON'T DIE AFTER TWO DAYS OF NOT BEING FED YOU SAD MOTHER FUCKER.
look out, If I ever could, I would kill you.
*related* incredibly unproductive but awesome day today. And I forget how much I love this song.
Much love.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
I lost it, and only found it again today. Saw my cousin Emily today, after like 8 years and her Australlian accent is adorable. Can't fucking wait for my gap year, I need to go see all of them so badly.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Trying and Failing
to learn blackbird by the Beatles...it's getting there, and sounds alight but I only started with it, today.
Monday, 12 December 2011
This writers block seemingly will not shift.
So yet more negative productivity is needed: Traditions, here goes nothing. Now Kaytei if you read this, it's not only aimed at you. You were just the one that kind of reminded me this still existed. Girls can still be incredibly old fashioned. Times have moved on and yet two of my favourite girls are hating a guy I actually quite like because of a shit tonne of stuff he hasn't done. What sense hath this? *point, quote*
''so how did it go?''(how was friday)
''it was really good''
''so are you...?''(are you going out)
''oh, no.''
''oh...can I hate him on your behalf?''
Times have changed. My mother's ideals are a lil too old, and as much as it is annoying me a small hardly noticable amount that he is blind as a cactus with sunglasses and is enjoying being single way too much, It shouldn't still be expected behaviour to change that. People may as well be saying ''OMG You held hands..you have to get married'' It's almost a girls instinct to expect a relationship because one thing happened (this is partially more frustrating because I can't not agree with it)
Oh and I feel like this quote is interesting if not relevant:
''Why do I always fall for the bad girl?''
''I do believe I know the answer to this, because every time she does something bad you ignore it, and every time she does something good, she comes through and surprises you and you lose that argument with yourself that she's not for you''
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 11 December 2011
''Do you Believe in Love at this age?''
Someone asked me this the other day, and now due to not wanting to do something I really should be doing (English language work) I'll answer it in a little bit more depth. So I'm not straying to much from my original answer of: no. However what I meant when I said that, was that I don't believe in the annoying gushy, soppy idea of 'love' that you constantly get told by movies and books should be your only goal in life to find. I mean what stupid person thinks that you should waste your life away because your 'prince' hasn't come and found you yet?
BITCH get a life, leave your tower and explore the world, you never know who or what might find you if you let it.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Being Happy
actually isn't half bad, after seeing two of my favourite people last night, and then seeing my uncle Richie again this morning I'm remembering how life isn't always out to get you, just somtimes. And it was this morning also that I saw, played, and actually loved this guitar

so much, it sounds flawless and I want it, but there's one problem. It's nearly £400.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Friday, 9 December 2011
Without sounding too girly...
today was actually freaking brilliant.
Also, Harry Potter innuendo will never not be funny
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Thursday, 8 December 2011
seriously I've never seen wind that powerful in Surrey. Lake district maybe but never...well, here. I was nearly convinced that I was going to blow away *hits Rupert for obligatory short dig* But yeah aside from the singing part and hearing the occasional really obvious innuendo in the readings. Carol service was (as it in heav-wait every year), BORING AS FUCK .Shocked? No didn't think so.
TTFN xoxo
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
The reason that I have known the date this entire week if you asked me is I've only just realised, incredibly sad even for me. So got to around 1000 words with my Top girls essay, feel a lil better but I still just want it done (only stopped now because it's nearly midnight and some sleep may be an idea). Out of my way handed in only to be handed back to me after Christmas with god knows how many things wrong with it. But still it will be done. So then I can relax all Chri-wait....no I'll have yet more Textiles work to do, which admittedly isn't so bad and then the black widow of my options. PSYCHOLOGY DUNDUNDUN.
this has made a sufficient lack of sense and I'll see you whenever the fuck you get bored enough to read this waffle
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Stuff and things and words.
but I'm not even going to try and make sense...far to mainstream (didn't even consciously think about typing that phrase). I just feel like this needs to be said if no where else, the internet will do. I have missed my uncle rich. He's so chilled and I hadn't seen him for like 4 years, that would have made me 12 the last time I saw him. And the fact that I have changed so much really only occurred to me when I saw his reaction to me a further 4 years later. Shit's gone down and also rather scarily 4 years really doesn't feel like it has actually gone.
Also I have realised that I regret nothing. That's a very nice feeling. No matter what the result of any of my actions where, they have gotten me where I am which is at the best of times, pretty fucking happy. With a family that love me and legs and arms that work.
this has been sufficiently cheesy and I'll see you next time with another insight into how fucking interesting my life is...
laters bitches. xoxo
Monday, 5 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
I know what your thinking....another annoying make up guru, but trust me this one's different.
So much love.
You had a piece of my heart but not enough to just run away.
'Awful' or not the lyrics kind of work.
No Matter What you think...
I love Christmas, it's different to all other times of year in that you just have an excuse to be happy, and your allowed to eat whatever the fuck you want. I only bring this up because my lovely uncle and his other half are getting married on the 16th, so yes I regret to say that I will in fact not be in on the last day of school. Which trust me no one is more upset about than me I won't get to see all of your lovely faces on the last day and sing (or rather shout badly off key) the forever classic 12 days of Christmas.
Back to the 'point' of this, as much as I am happy at the prospect of everything that is be happening this Christmas. I have coursework. That does need to be done. It's not gonna happen, all of our relatives are coming over from fucking Australia and I don't want to just say ''yeah...I know I haven't seen you in half my life but I have an essay to go write'', which brings me to my final point.
Teachers should really talk to each other in conjunction with the following.
-what other work one particular student has been set
-the fact that students have lives outside of school
-the fact sleep is kind of necessary
-And that as much as teachers have no power over this, I really think everything would be easier if A- levels where set to take more than two years. The jump between A-level and GCSE is huge and just because we got warned doesn't mean all of us are gonna be able to cope.
That will be all
Saturday, 3 December 2011
I'm actually so HAPPY :D
Went to the first part of Hannah's hen do tonight, just got in having met THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER. Gen, she is epic prospect of many gigs being gone due to her being 23 and she is just so cool. they all went clubbing and I couldn't go cause of the whole only-16 thing, but still so happy...
also I cleaned my room earlier so it feels a lot bigger now. And that was the best shower ever.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep XD
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
You never know what you need.
until you get it...seriously night in with some close friends in comfy pjs and with a shit tonne of junk food. WAS SO WHAT I NEEDED. As much as i really need the shower that I will go and have, in a minute, when I can be bothered to get off my bed and stop catching up in my YouTube subscriptions.
love and stuff xoxo
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Reasons why being a girl is way more effort then it's worth.
1. Hormones make you over exaggerate how bad everything is.
2. Some other girl always treats you like shit because girls are as a rule spiteful bitches.
3. Guys stereotype you. (but girls always do this to guys so point maybe not so valid)
4. Guys complain when girls don't make the first move and then when they do they get rejected.
5. Your mum always tells you that ''If he likes you that much he would ask you out'' LIES. Only the guys that are actually egotistical dicks do that. Maybe he (he being the nice guy) is just as scared of losing the already quite good relationship he has with you, for fear of making things weird between you. And cannot take a hint.
6. As much as they don't like to admit it, guys generally dislike opinionated girls (but this is probably only an issue because the opinions don't always match and if I even have to say it, is JUST a stereotype)
7. Guys find it annoying that girls don't like video games and like shopping, it's not our fault we're pleased in much simpler ways than you, that's your own god damn problem.
8.Most other girls judge you for being a slut, or being frigid, being skinny or being 'fat' (but fat in girl language is anything over a 10).
9. All the annoying, teasy, slutty/frigid, girls give all the good ones a bad name.
10. The people you think you can trust tend to prove you wrong.
(this is not aimed at anyone in particular, and I accept no responsibility for any offence caused in the reading of this blog)
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
''Opinion should and can only be based on experience''
*topic interrupter* Harvey's lil sister put her status as ''that sucks <3'' ...If you can't see why that is stupid there is something wrong.

back to my oh so deep title, wait- I wasn't actually going to link that to anything. This is awkward, almost as awkward as talking about girls, guys and sex with Emily Green present earlier. But props to her she handled it much better than I thought she would.
ANYway, I feel like my last post on here has far too much purpose to it. This must be fixed.
here's some recent arty shiz I did.

Anyone who thinks it's my first initial needs to go out into the world.
oh yeah and Sersha. (yes I'm spelling your name phonetically because I know it annoys you)
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Why Guys are the most frustratingly Guarded Beings I have had the Huge pleasure to encounter.
Welcome to the worst collab blog post ever.
Click the following for a rant about girls:
1. False bad moods: this may have happened to you before, I don't know but sometimes guys will act as though something is wrong, and when their girlfriend/good friend who is a girl asks them what's wrong they won't say...I get that this could just be because there IS in fact nothing wrong. But I'll put money on the fact that sometimes guys are just too secretive because they think that it appears gay to talk about it when things go wrong or make them upset.
2. Mixed fucking signals: (pun not really intended) I'm sorry but it's not only girls that are teases, granted we are more bitchy when we do because usually it's highly deliberate. But when guys do it the most frustrating thing about it is that they seem to either behave as though or actually think that they haven't done anything wrong, and just for future reference flirting shamelessly one minute and basically ignoring the next is just spiteful. Or careless if nothing is meant by it.
3. Genetics: I'm sorry but I couldn't not mention this. The fact that guys do not have to deal with periods (and get away with taking the piss) makes me very angry. When firstly YOU ARE NOT A GIRL. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN IT IS.
occasionally it's a pain somewhere close to someone taking a knife...no two knifes, sticking them in either side of your back/tummy and wiggling them around a little and then leaving them there. It's about as annoying as when girls call you a pussy because they just kicked you in the bollocks and you're thinking *''insert hateful rant and expletives and/or bizar punctuation here''*. Also bras are the most uncomfortable invention I think I've ever come across. As much as I love them, they are annoying as fuck. End of.
4. Cosmetics: Make up. Again as much as I love it. I would love to feel as confident without it as I do with it. And just genuinely guys are so much more effortlessly attractive. As a rule most guys I know fall out of bed, into some clothes and look damn fine...if a girl did that it would look like she just killed your whole family. (over statement but still) just think of how many girls you know that always look polished, neat and have their faces perfectly painted everyday. And how different they would look without it because you're now so used to them looking like that.
5. Guys that idolise other guys for completely the wrong things...So he's had more girlfriends than you, or he's 'better looking' (this is subjective anyway so, wut?) or better at sport... It doesn't matter. I would like to hope that any girl you'll go out with only cares about that stuff if you do, but hey I guess that's far to logical for you.
6. Guys that openly say clichés are annoying, because in conversation most girls will agree with that...But in reality. All girls would love one (there are exceptions to this but I don't know any). Anything in a movie you've seen that made you want to throw up. That is what she wants. But girls will never say it due to how few guys are willing to be a cliché (for even I will admit, fairly good reasoning) and how unintelligent and high maintenance it makes us sound.
7. Guys who take their girl for granted. Okay so you've been going out a while and maybe you're unaware, but you've just stopped inviting her round and started behaving generally dismissive towards her...It's fair that guys won't know this but she will start to feel neglected but will most likely cease to mention anything to you for fear of sounding, clingy, jealous, high maintenance or all of the above. And it doesn't take much, a movie night or something of an equally low effort level. (The clichés will keep on coming but) It really is the thought that counts. Like anyone and I think guys as well, girls want to be wanted.
8. Players/dicks/users/womanisers. I did try to avoid this one just because my view on it is that if he's that much of a horrible person, WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM?!?!?!?!? But I of all people also know that you don't pick who you fancy. If you did it would be whoever has just asked you out, but it doesn't always spin like that. Sometimes they're with someone else or they like someone else (this is even worse when you know who it is). And *generic list of annoying shit that will get in the way of your happiness*
9. Guys that ignore how much of a bitch their Girlfriend is just because she is 'fit'. This applies to girls as well. But when girls do it they actually are oblivious (usually) to anything that is wrong with how he treats her, when guys do it they are aware of it most of the time and just say ''yeah I know she's a cow. But she is well fit'' ARRGGHHHHH !!! if you can get and keep a girl who knows she is 'fit' and uses it to her advantage. You can also get a girl who is a nice person on top of that. But hey you might find raging-bitch an attractive mixed breed, I don't know what you like.
10. Guys who don't text back when you know there is nothing stopping them. Nothing like sleep or college teachers. If you know anything about girls, you should know that if you don't reply fairly soon, she will think you are annoyed with her for one reason or another. (this is to an extent fine if you actually are, even though it's not the most mature thing to do ) But if that's not the message you want put across, then why do it?
11.Being vague.* cue hypothetical scenario* So your sorry that you couldn't make it and your glad that I'm still with friends and that we should definitely meet another time. But when? if you really wanted to see me. You would say so.
11.5 not doing things when you said you would.
12. This one I find the most frustrating: Guys hurting you without even knowing it. This is relatively self explanatory but the fact that guys can be so unaware of things is so annoying (for me anyway) because guys can't really help it. So no one can be blamed for it aside from the only person you can sometimes think of to blame, yourself. When you and the guy have in fact both done nothing wrong. Life's a bitch.
Anarchy, Insanity, love and Hate. xoxo
Monday, 21 November 2011
Just when you think she can't go any higher...
She does...Several times. Still love her though.
Sunday, 20 November 2011

Is all I can genuinely say. SO PRETTY! I found this looking for phone backgrounds (which I ended up creating my own anyway) but I had to post this somewhere that wasn't facebook for fear of ''AWW YOU IS LEZBIAN BITCH LIKE INNIT''
O&O xoxo
This has to be the oddest thing I've ever seen...
Hey motherfuckers (lol destery reference) wut be up? I am currently still on my EPIC RETAIL THERAPY HIGH...god I am so sad. But hey I got some high top DC's that I ended up paying like £6 for. (Because I'm magic)
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
''Flip the coin bitch, come get destroyed''
If you can't guess who's lyrics those are then there is an entire movie that you need to watch... Moving on, got my bridesmaid dress altered today, so happy. It managed to make me look shorter and fatter than I actually am. Because of one thing. It was about two inches under lower than my knees. (and my legs are like my only good feature) and it's like two sizes to big. Not the best but whatever bridesmaids are forced to look hideous unless they're 8 years an under. Apparently it's so they don't look better than the bride, but I think that is stupid. Because if the groom is gonna cheat on you/flirt with one of your bridesmaids on the day of your wedding. You shouldn't be marrying him. End of.
I forget how much nicer the tone of my electric guitar is. You know after I retuned it from drop C (Adam) Note to self: Never let anyone near my guitar again. Either of them.
I believe that is all
Friday, 18 November 2011
I thought we would at least get placed...But Summer it's not all bad.
and we got best actress and I'm so happy for her, she looked well happy One miss Jess starling But I wanted Alfie to get best actor. They could have given us those two considering we didn't even place. And I think Rowan deserved more than a shout out, considering he let me out make up on him that I would never wear myself. But hey.
Anarchy, Insanity and transvestite make-up FTW! XOXO
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Sup And Ting/
for some reason unknown to me I am in fact avoiding sleeping...oddness. arghghghg I don't know what I'm thinking. This makes me frustrated. (no not like that you sick motherfuckers) I think I'm in an okay mood. (one thing put me in a very good mood but that's another day. When sleep isn't as necessary and when I won't be as cringe worthingly sentimental as I know I would be now.)
Ahhh great. Don't tell me that two weeks after fully shifting the last cold I had, I now have another one. No. I refuse to believe this.
I over use brackets. How it should really work is the whole post is in brackets.
O&O xoxo
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
What in all of the holy fuck?!?!
yes. That actually did happen. Just why?!?!?!? is all I can really say right now, why in the fuck would you want to use something that is AN EXPLOSIVE for this particular purpose in the words of sxephil. ''Just ask her nicely...'' or more likely him. HOW DISCRIMINATORY !!
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
That was as about light as 10, 00 ferries and as chirpy as dead bird. And as worth while as it was, my dad that was in the fire service for like 10 years and now teaches people how to ride motorbikes. So... NONE OF THIS IS NEW.
That will be all.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Don't you hate it when...
this actually happens. I know it's cheesy, a cliché and possibly really fucking annoying but this song just summed up my whole entire mind right now. Plus is it really good.
So yeah English today didn't at all drop from it usual entertaining standard, what with snakes being used as murder weapons and such.
TWBA xoxo
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Yes. That is how long my transformational writing is so far. And now It's kinda stuck, like tied-to-a train-track stuck with Eurostar heading towards it. This is incredibly frustrating, and just to add my stomach has decided to become the home of an imaginary and yet incredibly fidgety knife for the day. FUN TIMES.
Oh and one last whiny thing
That is all
You slippery Bastard.
I'm not actually sure how you managed that. Still no hard feelings. (excuse shocking innuendo), so what am I doing today? most likely trying and failing to do homework and LAUGHING VERY VERY HARD AT THAT POOR FUCKER NEXT DOOR DOING MY SHITTY EX-JOB.
*insert evil laugh here*
Note to self. HIDE. I was walking the dogs earlier, and I swear to god this guy with an Alsation (which of course didn't make me any more scared) was following me. Because I went around a different way where there's an alley you have to walk through and you come out on a quiet road, which is normally quite secluded, meaning that anything that happened would have gone unnoticed. Anyway he was behind me in the alley with a good distance between us and when I came out on to the road and walked a bit...
He had vanished. with his huge Alsation and creepy eye line. Only walked a lil faster than usual after that. Cool story right?
what do you mean no?
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Only slightly Anxious.
and happy and well...I'm not entirely sure. Everything all at once seems to be only way to sum up my thoughts right about now. Went shopping, and ate chocolate. Those two things combined definitely helped (stereotypes FTW!) . Saw some quite slutty underwear that I would have bought if it wasn't for the presence of my VERY missionary Christian Nan being with us. Because to her knowledge I'll be a virgin 'til I'm married. CLEARLY.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
you are a massive bitch, because what you did to me has managed to make another person hate you, who actually liked you before. Well that trés clever of you.
:) :) :) :)
warning to coldplay haters. DO NOT WATCH THIS SONG.
so addicted to it.
that will be all.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
''Give yourself time to think while you can.''
and eat cheese on toast. I should write horoscopes...''eating chocolate right now would really help you to clear your mind and see the bigger picture of everything going on around you...''
Anyway, for once the end of my horoscope (my title) actually kinda fits, and on these rare occasions I feel like pointing it out. Like ''hey look some jammy git managed to guess my thoughts''
This makes me scared. Someone on formpsring, who I don't know but who has NOT made themselves anonymous has asked me: ''do you shave?''
really don't know how to answer that one.
Forgot how much I love the piano in this. XD
DON'T JUDGE ME, but I'm so learning this shit.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Saturday, 5 November 2011
*Generic Angst Ridden Quote.*
Oh so predictable. But I feel this is called for.
''interesting night to say the least'' mine was better. Neither of you were there to ruin it. Just the best people. Ok maybe I'm being harsh...only one of you would have purposefully wrecked it the second may have, but just with out knowing it. And both of you would actually be perfect for each other. Random observation.
Walked along a road carrying sparklers, one in each hand, skipping.
Surprise Happiness xoxo
Friday, 4 November 2011
''Life Is Never Easy For Those Who Dream''
Seems fitting, with everything. I shan't use the past tense any more, because something else always happens. Someone always cries or laughs, and if they aren't they're making you cry or laugh. Or they're most likely perfectly living up to the expectations of any given stereotype that you can think of. And if they still don't fit in my theory. They can fuck off, I'm tired and philosophical and this is my blog anyway.
Why do you care so much about caring? This is probably the only thing that 'mind over matter' cannot deal with, because you consciously feel yourself worrying and getting anxious about whatever said thing is, and as much as you know it probably won't mean anything to you in a few years or so, and that you'll look back and think of how childish you were being. It still aches. I'm not talking full on whiny Bella from twilight 'pain' (god I hate the second book). But there's something. It varies in everyone I think. As much as you try not to, you care.
Why do feel guilty for being relieved? Surely if you ended it (mutually) with a guy you've been with for 4 years, and you feel relief. This is not a bad thing. And if people are noticing how much happier you look, and the guy in question kind of agreed with you. It was for the best.
Why do you expect things from people, that you have no way of knowing you'll get? don't really know how to elaborate on this, or what story of relevance I can impart, I just know that this one is unfair. Expecting things that aren't necessarily unreasonable, but just things that will never realistically happen in the situation you always conveniently happen to be in. I once heard that assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. In that case Expectation is the mother of all Disappointment.
Why do you get confused, when all it does is destroy whatever foundations you've managed to develop? When this happens I want to hit someone in the face, with a large foil platter. Let's just make you believe that this prospectively good thing could happen, then carry on teasing you up until it actually might happen, and then kill any hope you had, by throwing another element into it, or eliminating one. Until you're left with an annoying and/or awkward situation that you now have to talk your way out of. Which is never easy.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
What to say.
Tis unknown in my meek mind right now, (so didn't just finish an entire bar of galaxy. SO GOOD.)
Oh fantastic, more rain but...*opens window* love that smell.
you can laugh, you can laugh, don't waste my time, you pessimistic...
so much love for my friends right now, you really should know who you are. And before you question the cheese, no I have not had anything to drink, I just feel like this needs to be said, you've all kept me sane and that's a challenge at the best of times. This one's for you guys. (so much cheese)
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
I don't hate you.
you aren't worth that, however I do hate the fact that you made me dedicate an entire post to you.
I hate how you make me speak and behave. But quite frankly you have done way too many shitty things to me for me to even give a damn right now. I won't pick a fight with you, or ever even bring this up unless I or you move to a country far away, but right now I'm allowed to be immature, you hurtful piece of ing s t, you never take anyone's feelings into account when you do things, and you think just because they won't find out that you're in the right.
And you will everyone around you into submission with those eyes and seemingly genuine personality. I don't want to ruin your life. I'm not that cold. Best of luck with all your endeavours and I hope for your sake that this doesn't get messy.
So here's the thing,
I SHOULD be doing any of the following.
-going for a jog (because I literally did eat everything today)
But, clearing out all of our cupboards, drinking tea, going on facebook/youtube/this, playing guitar, and just about everything that has no value to me what so ever.....Is so much more enjoyable.
HOLY FUCK I DON'T HAVE MY TEXTILES FOLDER, *has minor heart attack*
I have no clue where left it.
SHITFUCKCUNTWANK£%&£$%*&*RAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and I loled at this shit.
Monday, 31 October 2011
what's been happening in the last 2 hours you homoerotic Koala bears? let me guess. SHIT ALL.
Guess what. THERE IS NO MORE CRIMINAL MINDS. at least not for me anyway. Our sky has been cancelled. I find it somewhat entertaining that, that is the one of like 4 shows I'm gonna actually miss. (others being, gossip girl, 90210, bones, and ghost whisperer. Because as much as I love charmed I can live without it)
XFactor now can go and get raped by a narwhal for all I care. Especially Tullissa, Firstly because she was in N-dubz (need I even say, FAIL.) And secondly because she's under some sick twisted delusion that Ke$ha is rock...............................................................
I know.
Generally going trick or treating later...(because I'm such an anti-social youth)
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 30 October 2011
The Moment
When you tell your self, that everything really could be a whole lot worse, and that no matter how crap it may seem at the time. Someone somewhere, has more problems to deal with than you (and is most likely doing it seamlessly). And as much as people such as these can sometimes annoy me. I have a lot of respect for them.
Whoever created this moment seemed to have no problem with letting the realisation take it's time. But they never the less deserve a genuine smile.
Oh yeah and just because I'm English.
oh yeah and just because it's Halloween
much love for the Halloween tutorials
TTFN xoxo
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Blog title.
As I don't think that is has ever been more relevant. What can I even say? Nothing it would seem, nothing that will help anyway. God, why do I even fucking well care so much?
You promised. You keep promising and it's not good enough any more. I'm sorry I thought that I would be able to handle all of this, but guess what. I'm a girl. I care about this annoying soppy shit.
And as much as I get that you're not psychic, neither am I.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Fuck Knowledge.
So far all it's managed to do is screw shit up. Stuff is a lot easier if you just go with it. Except of course looking after two massive dogs, that I could have done without.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
this has been my title before I think...but it's literally all I can think now. I would brag but I'm not entirely sure that I can just yet.
I LOVE YOU KAYTEI, you are so on my gorgeous list...and no I'm not just saying that because of how much you helped. (you know exactly what I mean, if not you should)
my quote of the day :'' I'm in paradise right now'' <3
Sweet thoughts xoxo
My nan is a missionary.
And it's getting to the point that I no longer know how to deal with it.
here's some exact quotes to give you an idea of what I'm dealing with :
''People think that sin is doing bad things, but actually it's rebelling against God''
Wait so hypothetically. I could kill people, or prey for their painful death, and just because I've accepted you and apparently you forgive me everything is fine. THAT RIGHT THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP MORALS. Just because all of human kind is cursed from birth as sinners, cold heartedly murdering someone is not okay, just because you confess it to someone or something that may or may not exist.
And :
''The difference with Christianity is that, the faith and belief in Him is not something he will force you into having''
HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BECAUSE YOU WERE PERFECTLY HAPPY TO DO THAT FOR 'HIM'. I resent that in your opinion, dear Grandmother, that God is something you have to find in a particular way. If it was meant to happen now, it would have done.
In my opinion, set religion and the concept of hell, is to scare people into believing because they are scared of dying, and death is an inevitable part of life. So what use is there in being scared of it ?
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Shall I start with the good or end with it..? End me thinks. Here goes nothing.
Lack of emotion, as much as crying the most ungraceful and inconvenient thing that emotion can do to you, at least you're sure that you feel like crap due to either anger or upset. But a distinct lack of emotion. You can't even vent that one because there's nothing to vent. And person who shall not be named generally managed to put me in a mood so far beyond angry that that is what resulted. What's worse is telling them may end up killing both of us in a dual like no other. So that's a thing.
But there you go...being partially psychic can be kind of annoying at times.
other than that, Thorpe park was a BRILLIANT day !!!!!!!!!! what would life be without eating way too much, going on fast things that spin round and feeling like crap all night ? Oh and did I forget CHASED OUT OF A TUNNEL BY A GUY WITH A CHAIN SAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 23 October 2011
QOTW: ''WE DON'T FART THROUGH OUR PENISES (yes kaytei. penis.) SORT IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!
Was almost gonna have that as my title but I don't think that would have been the best thing to do.
And one thing that made my day, to explain in full we're currently looking after too MASSIVE setters. Which is quite cool but at the same time large amounts of effort, like you can kick them in the head and they might think a fly just landed on them briefly. And while in one is just a standard red setter, (mad as fuck) The other one is a gordon setter and only about a year old but still HUUGEEEE. And thick as fuck. Making it possibly the most occupational hazardous creature I've ever come across.
And to some this up in a sentence. We were walking them earlier, and on the way back from the woods we go to, the thick one saw some birds (that I'm sure you know can fly) And decided not just to try and chase them but to try and chase their shadows. As if chasing a creature superior to you in every way isn't unrealistic enough. So entertainingly stupid, for anyone that I haven't already told, that is honestly why I love dogs so much, cats are far to intelligent and self-righteous to be remotley entertaining. (unless they're falling off of things).
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
P.S. If you're really bored.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Let this make as little sense as possible. Painful irony, some salt water, Suicide season, Empty days and sleepless nights, one clean kitchen, two hours of friends, And five pages of my diary later. And still nothing.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
You know...
It's funny. I think at one point I said I would stop doing these kind of posts. But after today I couldn't stop myself. Also after reading some of my previous posts, I will try to make it less questions but I can't promise much. All I really want to ask the powers that be this time round, is who decided that having expectations of people was a good thing to have ? Because it occurred to me if you had no expectations of anyone or anything, it would be pretty hard to be disappointed ever and anything remotely remarkable that happened to you would be the most fantastic thing ever. It would make you appreciate just about every good thing that happened, like that stunning rainbow that appeared yesterday.
And just how happy that song makes you, and noticing cliques in younger years. Such as the boys throwing sweets at the quite attractive girls and one of them replying with ''it didn't even touch me'' And then seeing the one girl gorgeous in every sense of the word, who is talking to two other guys and giving them chocolate, and actually smiling to yourself thinking 'yeah that's how you do it'. Or my favourite, of that one girl who was a bitch to one of her friends who in result was a loaner for a year, and now the bitch is a loaner and the girl she was horrible to has a new friend. And thinking 'PONE'.
I do believe that's all my mind had to let explode out into cyberspace.
And just because I was listening to it writing this. And because it kind of fits with the theme.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
The rainbow is gone
oh look another well written philosophical acoustic track
Sweet thoughts xoxo
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
So I was Thinking...
Why do I keep this thing ? And for a while, no real reason came to me (with the exception of Kaytei told me to).
But then I realised, Because I like doing it. I mean I kind of resent an anonymous individual for calling a blog an ego extension. But yeah, KAYTEI !!!!!!!
here is Jessie Chorley's Webzspace if your interested. http://www.jessiechorley.com/
Peaceful Insanity xoxo
Monday, 17 October 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Yeah, I have once again been struck with bordem procrastination and the shortest attention spand on the planet all in one night, meaning that my homework sjdgsrf ewhf, the tv is a load of ajdsfobdfod and my blog will be afflicted with same treatment it would seem.
ninja pigeons
that is all.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
'' So I will eat your children on toast in the tree, the van, the shack and the pool while listening to metal music at a Halloween Party...
or something like that...
love this.
Sweet thoughts xoxo
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Yet another
relatively successful piss-up. I genuinely never thought I would get to use those two words in the same sentence, but it seems fitting considering that I don't think anyone had a bad time, and I know I had a brilliant night (until I got in the car to come home but that's another story and another day).
Main highlights have to be, countless odd new couples that I never would have thought would happen (not naming), Overall atmosphere and a couple if comments from certain people (you now who you are)
Friday, 7 October 2011
Philosophy and shiz like dat.
Back yet again to that point I seem to be somewhat intrigued by. All the time. Which is the fact that if you spend your whole life worrying and hating, you aren't exactly gonna enjoy life as much. Now don't paraphrase here, I'm definetly not trying to argue that angrily punching something (preferably pillow like) isn't ridiculously satisfying when something/someone is pissing you off, but if you're pissed off at the world for no reason. Or even being needlessly self deprecating on a large scale you'll start to believe all the things you tell yourself, And you'll be in an endless circle of trying to fix things that are supposedly wrong with you.
that is all.
Sweet thoughts, dreams and
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
That Didn't go as Bad As I was anticipating.
''yes, you have to help out with the lower school tutors with handing out target grades....''*zones out and stops paying attention*
Honestly, all that I really did was sort of, vaguely help out a group of year 8 lads with writing a rap about creative learning (but they really didn't my help).
I really need to start being more careful where I draw. Anyone that knows me (or anyone arty for that matter) remotely well. Should know that we don't like stuff being seen until it's finished. (Sometimes not even then) And obviously I'm not gonna hide my work, and say ''FUCK OFF'' because that would be uncalled for. But still.
TTFN xoxo
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Run, after you, the sunset, the waterfall. Stay with and have faith in you. Through everything and anything because you won't judge or leave. And because I don't live on your terms, I live because of your terms. Thrive and flourish into an orchid levitating in the comfortable arms of contentment. Be intently oblivious and Run
run wherever you will go.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
gotta love formsrping....anyway, I have really enjoyed the last few days. Because as much as I feel I have been deliberately avidoiding doing any of my work recently, I also feel like all the crap I mind-splurge onto this blog every freaking minute when I can, about how you should quit worrying about every little annoying detail and just enjoy life, is what I have been doing.
Like the guitar piece I'm working on as of now is one I'm genuinely quite pleased with.
And just other crap like that
Sweet thoughts xoxo
Monday, 26 September 2011
Playing Tennis.
hmmmmmmmmmmm. Much love for today, for a Monday twas rather amazing. Despite a cold, and it's genuine Mondayness coz near enough, it's 11 now and it feels like I just got in, well I got in at like 20 past 10, which for a Monday is late.
RECAP. left college, walked with Harvey to the top of town, went to superdrug, then debanahms, then cinema, then watched the EPIC MOVIE, (friends with benefits, recommend) the dossed around for a bit. Then Pete walked me to the station, then I missed my train (smooth) and snuck up on him AHHHAAAA.
And I am now somewhat Knackered.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Whale children.
Ahhhhh crabsticks you lej anyways I succsesfully managed to stay in my PJ's all day...XD
quite chuffed with that XD
Why do I keep doing that...
yeah I really don't know, had one of those very nice relaxing days. But now I've kind of realised that I have done shit all in the way of coursework...
Saturday, 24 September 2011
OH THAT'S RIGHT.ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as you may have gathered I am somewhat happy about this. And in a generally good mood to be honest. And after yesterday which was just epic. I mean add, watching the whole school doing the sponsored walk while sitting eating food (specifically biscuits). To several epic hours with Pete and Hattie and of course Kaytei, by the river. And a basically private rave by the river quite late last night. And you have a bloody brilliant day. All of this Only slightly dampened by the mother of all blisters on both of my feet (so I can't even escape by limping)
So I think that's about it...And just to be stereotypical I shall link some stuff.
Kaytei this is the guy I'm going to meet in london. See if you like. It's a Sunday.
And obligatory musicalness.
warning this is mildly heavy. BUT EPIC.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
''I don't mind.
if we take our time.'' lovefullness for that song. which I can now sorta play badly.
''If God hates gays, why does he keep making them ?''. OH how my Nan would be disappointed in me if she read that, it's not my fault sxephil is a genius.
hmmmm so on that light note, (of anti-religion and brilliant music)
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
I hope that you see right through my walls.
Ahhhhh the forever darling Christina Perri. How is that you're lyrics are so goddamn gorgeous ? I would be resentful if they didn't correlate with my life so freakishly well. I may have posted this exact video before, but it's to lovely.
I think people really should be more appreciative of being able to like/love to death the same song or artist, because music is such a personal thing, it's no wonder people get so defensive if you claim to not liking a certain band/artist that they like.
Argghhhhh, I take offense at that. last.fm thinks that Nicola Roberts is a similar artist to Christina Perri. WHAT ? no, Christina is obviously better. Although it's not difficult to be better than someone who released a song with the lyrics ''dance to the beat of my drum'' repeatedly.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
''At least you have the motivation.''
well yeah, but not because I think I'm that interesting. Honestly this blog is just close to me, not a career prospect, so much as an outlet/dairy/past time that is much less effort to keep than my written one. And I just enjoy it. And it's especially lovely when I manage to impart any kind of thought or wisdom (all of my 16 years of it).
This is a rarity, but then all the more brilliant when it happens.
Sweet thoughts xoxo
Monday, 19 September 2011
I should be doing...
Anything but this. But where's the fun in doing things that you're supposed to do ?
Exactly. No where. Sleeping with sirens, still very much addictive. I can't help but think that there is something
Wow that was a waste of 3.35 of my life. Two words. Anaal nathrakh.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
and I know most of the guys I know would hate it. Because his singing voice sounds about 12 but I love it.
TTFN xoxo
You know
when you want to put something on facebook and you want it to be relatively funny and interesting. But you cannot think of anything, I find that when this is the case I put it on here instead.
hmmmm think i might go for a run in a sec. I was tryna time it so that it wasn't to hot when went but I suppose I'd rather that then I get soaked.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Be happy.
You might enjoy it.
Is it worrying that I tell myself this quite a lot. Not that I'm not as a rule quite happy, it's just I get annoyed quite easily so I find myself trying to counter act it. Like earlier, I got wolf whistled by some random chavs...and was generally just annoyed because I could hear them laughing after they thought I was out of ear shot...But I realised soon after that it may have just been easier to take it as a compliment and move on.
Sweet thoughts xoxo
Thursday, 15 September 2011
refer to page title. Again.
I have nothing interesting to title this with...just been thinking and now cannot seem to be as articulate as I would perhaps like to be currently. Thoughts and emotions although a beautiful thing can really wreck your life huh ? On the other side of that the negative ones can be the mother of some moving art pieces or music or just about anything really.
Is it true that what we run from chases us...?
Yes. It does, in your mind usually. If you try and escape something physically it will find you. At the bizarest of moments, And maybe a song or a poem will be born, or a realization perhaps. Because you can 'make me smile' and I should have realized sooner....
'while I've been waiting...for you to pull me through'
Sweet thoughts. xoxo
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
My computer is now a fucking wanker...
According to me talking to myself. Along with the cake being untidy, the koran being edible, and thrown at Christian children. And the fact that some genius decided to make white russianS into a lollipop......WHICH IS AMAZING.
God I really need to stop making posts that I know only two people will be able to make any sense of. When only one of those two people will actually read it.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Yes. I am seriously gonna see how long I can keep up this crazy titles thing, but as it's not naturally a gift I posses to be effortlessly hilarious. It may end up failing...
As seen on my facebook my hands down (ahhaa) winner for the quote of the day is Rupert with ''THE CAKE IS UNTIDY'' and I would congratulate you But I genuinely don't know if you even read this so there's probably not much point.
So today at college, God is that what I am reduced to talking about....OH WAIT...not it's not. Yesterday was pretty good, because none other than Tilly found me at the castle, then took me to plant, where I met some people, including Hampus who I have not seen all summer, and then she dragged me to marvins...Where I as you would expect ran into some druggies, who although very laid back peepz, still put me on edge slightly.
I forgot to mention the other thing Rupert said that kinda made me laugh because it was mildly offensive, never the less sufficiently distracted me from doing my English work, so it deserves some credit. *whilst in conversation about David parry : ''Why am I friends with him ?''
So that's a thing...(Aaaahh Philip Defranco reference)
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 11 September 2011
homosexual unicorn juice...
By yours today...LOL Destery reference, okay I kid, it was actually orangutan juice, but I like unicorn better....So I went to clapham common with the gorgeous Hattie to see a load of mainstream music *attempts happy face* I KID it was a brilliant day, aside from the SHIT TONNE (now standardized measurement, lol pete reference) OF 12 YEAR OLD SCREAMING FAN GIRLS THAT nearly killed us all. Okay they didn't. (Coz I would have killed them first knowing me) But rather entertainingly I could see Nathan sykes' expression and the more screaming there was, the more vaguely pissed off he started to get.
ahhh more getting up early required tomorrow.....
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Friday, 9 September 2011
How can you put
A title on this evening...that sounds like an epic song title. So somewhere between a fail and a brilliant night. Was my evening.
So yeah...
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Sup bitches....
yeah.......I DON'T KNOW ANY MORE. So media studies is kinda crap, I feel bad coz I can't even blame the teachers, I just can't see myself getting on with it.
So now it's between English lit and Philosophy and Ethics. . . . .. hmmmmmm
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
How Have I only discovered you now ?
Ben Abraham, when and if you can YouTube search or sound-cloud this dude because he is beautiful. links:http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=ben+Abraham
this song is so stunning it genuinely left me speechless.
with soundcloud. just click the down arrow on the right to download. :)
So definitely do not regret my decision to stay...but give me a week and I promise to be much more cynical and realistic . . . But me of all people hopes that this isn't the case.
Insanity and freedom xoxo
Monday, 5 September 2011
So sixth form eh...
was gonna say that I didn't see that one coming but I must have done...and OH MY GOD THAT SPIDER IS FUCKING HUGE.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
If anyone is really bothered, (which they probably aren't) my room is so nearly done now it's almost frustrating...but the new lampshade looks so pretty. :)
really wish people would give you a solid reason for not replying to your texts and genuinely ignoring you...just a thought.
Friday, 2 September 2011
Sleep Deprivation...
I gotta stop doing it. It's always worse when all I had all day was, a biscuit, a yoghurt, half a sandwich and an ice cream. And then like 6 units of alcohol in one hit (which wouldn't normally touch me otherwise), and just to say it wasn't my fault I was busy living my life yesterday, which I will be doing again today, yes that's right I'm going shopping with my Mum and Hannah. And as much as I am looking forward to it...it's gonna be the actual shopping that I hate, you know the one I mean where you actually have to by useful stuff. I mean c'mon where's the fun or glitter in that.
And that is probably my main reason for doing what I did this morning. Basically after having no sleep, due first off to Hattie and David chatting away happily (which I would not be grudge otherwise) And they were pretty much just adding to my premature headache and then second off to me then being the only person in the room not asleep.Which I suppose I can't really blame anyone else for, I mean I hardly gonna say they were the breathing loo loudly. But all complaining aside, it was a genuinely good, okay no, FREAKING AMAZING night, props go to Pete and Rupert for not minding me sleeping on them *pulls awkward face* .
But I digress, back to the point. This was that I walked back from Philippa's at around half five this morning, and I make it around quarter to seven now....hmmmmmm. (And I definitely did not Hallucinate a tall dark cloaked figure following me.....)
Oh and Kaytei, you ask you get. Here is the link to that song I was going on about. XD
Anarchy, Insanity and Happiness always xoxo
Thursday, 1 September 2011
You put your arms around me and I'm home...
Just listened to that, and although the melody I think will have to grow on me. The lyrics I love, they're so cute. (just for reference song is Arms-Christina Perri) They kinda link back nicely to my last arguably GOOD post.
I had a good day....I started my painting, I say started because it's by no means finished. ah welllls.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
I should really stop venting..on here anyway because I then I read it and am like, ''why the fuck did I write this...'' but never the less I can now play A team !!!!
Well happy about that...not exactly like your hear it but sounds nice never the less.
Ryan Keen
how is that you've managed to make me resent you, oh wait I know, but writing nothing simpler so that I can play it. Damn it. He is just unfair.
Moving swiftly on . . . . . .OOOOWWWWWWWWWWW. PAIN. IN. THE. STOMACH. AREA. fuck. To try and distract myself.
smells like teen spirit-shit
hey there Delilah-alright
the A team-meh.
I can't play the full version so it's kinda annoying.
''I do like this...
but I don't want everyone to know....''
I something I think a lot while on facebook.
just a thought.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
''Love is not Blind...
it is an extra eye and it shows us what is most worthy of regard.''
A nice spin, I think. I really should stop re-entering this curious state of affairs, but it keeps making me question it. So here goes. . .
How can anyone define love ? when the word itself can mean 17,000 different things, and be as obscure as the 'after life' to pin down, or on the flip side be as abundant and as beautiful as daisies.
All of that aside I still feel like saying ''I love you'' should not have all the implications it's been saddled with. It never asked to be 'those three words' or 'the l word' it was just a harmless and comfortable thing at one point. And I'm not saying it still isn't, for some people. But others really need to stop over-thinking. Even if it's just because you think you may not ever find it. Don't worry you will. You'll hopefully find your version of it, whether that is relaxed and comfortable, or almost unreal passion. Or some happy medium. Your version told me earlier that it's on it's way. And if you've found it. I wish you all the best.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Monday, 29 August 2011
It Really Is a Small World.
Because you will never guess who I just came round, (and didn't see me thank god as I was getting out of the shower).
MR BARNES-MATTHEWS . . . . . . . .
I know right. If you actually fancy knowing why, keep reading. As I mentioned previously my last bed had been taken down and was up until about a half 6 still today, in our lounge. But we got a call earlier asking if we still had it. Which we did so the obscure person said they'd be round to come get it later.
And then when they got here I heard a vaguely familiar voice. Which resulted in me legging it upstairs to hide/put more than a towel on. And just as I came down stairs they left and he never even saw me.
So yeah not everyday one of your past science teachers pops round to collect a bed.
that'll be all. For now.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Oh how I've missed you...
my electric guitar. I only realized upon getting it out of the cupboard and giving it the re-tune it so desperately needed that it's actually really nice to play. Granted I was trying to play smells like teen spirit on my acoustic yesterday/this morning and failing somewhat miserably. But that of course had nothing to do with it.
uuuhhhh I have to work later. And not the nice job. Bugger and damnation.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 28 August 2011
738. Now I knew it would be a large ish number, but that's just ridiculous.
Moving on . . . . . .MY ROOM IS PAINTED, At long last. and it's basically done. I just need an actual bed now, I currently have a mattress, it's kinda annoying but I'll live.
kinda addicted to Monster by paramore now. And kaytei if it was you that told me about that first
then I'm sorry for my suckish memory.
oooh must burn some maths shizzzzzz.
right I'll leave while I still make partial sense.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Friday, 26 August 2011
They are quite frankly under-used. And even more painfully they're so simple.
''It's always nice talking to you...''
''your such a good singer''
or ''I'm thrilled, with your results sweet heart.''
Or even the shallow ones. ''trust me, when your in a bikini no one is looking at your tummy.''
most of you should know who you are. XD
okay intro. *funky theme tune*
so the musicalness returns, with what I would call ground breaking lyrics.
so my top 10 songs hopefully in order.
Ryan keen-Happy Dreaming
Escape the fate-The Afterman
Falling in reverse-I'm not a vampire
Rise against-Saviour
Pearl and the puppets-Make me smile
Caro Emerald-Back it up
Dave days- Who says
Lights-In the dark I see.
Aly and Aj-'Frigerator
Anarchy and Insanity to you good sir xoxo
Political in-correctness.
We know it's wrong. offensive. But it's sometimes just so god damn funny, (there I go again.)
the only reason I bring this up is that I came across this on facebook just now and it genuinely made me laugh. ''God made us all different, but when he got to china he just thought, Fuck it.''
Should hopefully be painting my room this weekend. XDXDXDXD.
yeah that's pretty much all I'm gonna bug people about today.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Mind Overload.
in the most brilliant possible meaning, so I'll start from the beginning. To start of this train of events complete with streamers and confetti. Was of course going to Hattie's house with Kaytei for a girly night in (not sleeping). With in which we managed to turn two genuinely straight guys gay with false promises LOL, following that obviously got our results, and am currently in a mildly happy acceptance of mine. And then last but definitely not least.
The EPIC POOL PARTY, many thanks to Harvey even though I'm pretty sure he won't read this.
it was a lovely reminder that all of our lives are in fact going to carry on being epic, at least for a little while longer.
ooh I found this song and thought it was genuinely quite cute.
God it's not even late and I'm wiped so laterrrs
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Monday, 22 August 2011
Kaytei, don't ignore this one, just the one before it.
Had an-interesting day today, and to carry on from the title ''figures'', it was a heart attack. But it made me realize the following. I don't know what I would do without my friends sometimes.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
What the fuck, how can no one know what the fuck this bug is. My Dad has been suffering now, for way too long with severe chest pains and throwing up. And no one can fucking well tell us what it is. it's a bug. They thought it might be a pulled muscle. Symptoms have progressed since then but even still, I was told they did a full health screening and surely this fucking thing would have been recognisable under a microscope.
stupid freaking doctor.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Wherefore art thou. . .
My mind seems unhappy with the boundaries my skull encases it with. And yet it should not be unleashed all at once, who if not mystical could know what outcome that may have?
*stares at the ceiling searching for an answer*
Maybe you shouldn't know everything. The point of living and growing up, is not to learn, or love. These are simply pleasant surprises along the way. The point is just that.
To live.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
in the oddest possible perception of the word, to sum up this section of mind-leakage, i will say this. Two dogs+one weak puppy+one gay dog(that seems to like the puppy a little too much)+one demolished bed+one not very well father+one daughter trying to decorate her room+one mum losing the mind she was born with(rightly so)=MY HOUSE FOR THE LAST 6 DAYS.
hmmmm. So you can understand my need to get out of the house right ? I don't think I've ever enjoyed shopping so much in my life.
And Kaytei in response to what I hope is everything....okay scratch that, it's nearly one in the morning and I'm only blogging now otherwise I know it won't get done, EVER. This is your lot. Thank you, I love you, and it was nice seeing you today as well. Also nice to know that your work doesn't make you train dragons in your breaks.
Anyways reasons, for it being one in the morning. I was at my uncles watching Source code. Very good movie.
Fun thoughts xoxo
Thursday, 18 August 2011
This needs fixing...
my last post is really depressing, therefore I need to describe today to balance it out.
it was so good, and Kaytei- two things the first being thank you, you saved from what could of have been a slight disaster, and the second being
GET IN THE SHACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*smug things and stuffs*
hmmmmmmmmm, I think I'll link to this person today.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
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