Why do you care so much about caring? This is probably the only thing that 'mind over matter' cannot deal with, because you consciously feel yourself worrying and getting anxious about whatever said thing is, and as much as you know it probably won't mean anything to you in a few years or so, and that you'll look back and think of how childish you were being. It still aches. I'm not talking full on whiny Bella from twilight 'pain' (god I hate the second book). But there's something. It varies in everyone I think. As much as you try not to, you care.
Why do feel guilty for being relieved? Surely if you ended it (mutually) with a guy you've been with for 4 years, and you feel relief. This is not a bad thing. And if people are noticing how much happier you look, and the guy in question kind of agreed with you. It was for the best.
Why do you expect things from people, that you have no way of knowing you'll get? don't really know how to elaborate on this, or what story of relevance I can impart, I just know that this one is unfair. Expecting things that aren't necessarily unreasonable, but just things that will never realistically happen in the situation you always conveniently happen to be in. I once heard that assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. In that case Expectation is the mother of all Disappointment.
Why do you get confused, when all it does is destroy whatever foundations you've managed to develop? When this happens I want to hit someone in the face, with a large foil platter. Let's just make you believe that this prospectively good thing could happen, then carry on teasing you up until it actually might happen, and then kill any hope you had, by throwing another element into it, or eliminating one. Until you're left with an annoying and/or awkward situation that you now have to talk your way out of. Which is never easy.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
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