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Sunday, 13 November 2011

You slippery Bastard.

I'm not actually sure how you managed that. Still no hard feelings. (excuse shocking innuendo), so what am I doing today? most likely trying and failing to do homework and LAUGHING VERY VERY HARD AT THAT POOR FUCKER NEXT DOOR DOING MY SHITTY EX-JOB.

*insert evil laugh here*

Note to self. HIDE. I was walking the dogs earlier, and I swear to god this guy with an Alsation (which of course didn't make me any more scared) was following me. Because I went around a different way where there's an alley you have to walk through and you come out on a quiet road, which is normally quite secluded, meaning that anything that happened would have gone unnoticed. Anyway he was behind me in the alley with a good distance between us and when I came out on to the road and walked a bit...

He had vanished. with his huge Alsation and creepy eye line. Only walked a lil faster than usual after that. Cool story right?

what do you mean no?

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

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