seriously I need more followers on this might motivate me to actually blog about something half way interesting. Currently in the process of contemplating a new room lay out. (high fives for that brilliant use of English). oh and anyone that's finished their exams already, and I mean this is the nicest possible way, FUCK YOU. I still have two tedious german units to sit through, and two an half hours of textiles, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all in one go.
TWO AND A HALF HOURS, it's gonna get to the end of the exam. The invigilator will dismiss us and we won't be able to get up due to chronic pins and needles.
ahhh today was quite good. In retrospect a little strange but still good. Just me Pete, and Hattie sat by the river for a bit. Good times. Have seemingly fallen in love with escape the fate for a third time. Screw what Pete says metal is good, he just can't handle it. LOL
woooo, i'm rearranging my room too :D *high five* xxx