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Saturday, 25 June 2011

Duck mastibation

yeah. I don't even know. I needed a title and not just any herific sexual reference will do. So onto today's topic of discussion
Reinvention : Good or bad ? I personally think that it's not only good occasionally but almost needed to either, clear out a decade's worth of clutter form your room. or do something crazy to your look, hair or wardrobe. I've been considering doing something to my hair. I don't know what though. I might get a side fringe again. Maybe some funky coloured clip in pieces. I don't know.

Moving on. We're making a carrot cake laters. It's gonna be damn good.


1 comment:

  1. aw man, i love carrot cake!! *jealous*!!

    reinvention: good from time to time but frequently and it just becomes a) tacky and b) damaging to oneself as you can lose touch with who you really are and become too accustomed with the constant need to change yourself to suit other people's ideals....deep stuff....
    I'm done xD xxxx
