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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Oh yes.

I managed to fix my wireless ...And it of course has nothing to do with the electrical storm having calmed down a bit now. Hope it doesn't die again. God it's so nice to sit on my floor now I've hoovered and actually cleaned my carpet. Ahhh can hear some dude playing drums. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the same thing over and over again.

be expecting more from the depths of my mind later.


Tuesday, 28 June 2011


nice to have you back, you know to actually stick around for longer than a week to two weeks a term. picked some mystirical goodness up today in the form of yet more retail therapy. Oh wait before I forget: I managed to shoplift jelly beans from Debenahms, epic win.
ran into Becca Mann today had quite a good chat, her snake bites were actually
I Think that's it. carrying on. I got a concealer a new dream mouse foundation. It's so LUSH and
some sandals. Excuse. End of exam present. now in need of some pink sugar perfume. but it's lowest price on amazon is like £16 might see if I can swing someone I know to order it for me. Oh and Beyonce's heat. Oh my science I am actually going to run out of money. Oh and a white eyeliner. holy crap.

To conclude, I do believe that all male white van driver's are wankers, I apparently own the entritiy of all pink DM's, I have cut on my foot and in hurts like fuck. Pete was a genuine legend earlier, will post pics soon. Or Hattie will. And last and by every means least guys on their lunch breaks will be eaten by monkeys from the underworld.

Anarchy And Insanity.

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Kaytei, who ever said that the reinvention was purely to suit other people's ideals ? But yes can be damaging, coughcough.




I love it When

well, when lots of things happen actually but that's a whole other post. But today. I love it when a day turns out better than you expected. More specifically I had work today and sans the lifting and cleaning part it wasn't to bad, mainly because me and my boss discovered that we are both glen miller fans. That cd then proceeded to play quite loudly out of the kitchen window. And sunshine, that always helps. Anyways I should probably walk flossy now.

love you all xx

Saturday, 25 June 2011


meh. Work tomorrow grrrrrrr. annoying, I don't wanna go, It's scanky, tiring, Fucking annyoing

I'm gonna stop


Duck mastibation

yeah. I don't even know. I needed a title and not just any herific sexual reference will do. So onto today's topic of discussion
Reinvention : Good or bad ? I personally think that it's not only good occasionally but almost needed to either, clear out a decade's worth of clutter form your room. or do something crazy to your look, hair or wardrobe. I've been considering doing something to my hair. I don't know what though. I might get a side fringe again. Maybe some funky coloured clip in pieces. I don't know.

Moving on. We're making a carrot cake laters. It's gonna be damn good.


Friday, 24 June 2011

Intelligence. naaaa

I give up with being even remotely intellectual on here any more. Because, first off, I say certain words way too much, seriously and literally being two of these that I can actually think of. Next because I have no effort. And lastly because insults, rants and even positive comments sound no where near as good minus the swearing.
Okay so quick review:

Stuff that is really fucking annoying:
  • Dance teachers that teach you things wrong, and then try to clarify it by saying that they know someone who is an examiner. I hate examiners.
  • tea that's gone cold
  • the fact that my eye really hurts
  • people that don't give a crap about someone, on that someone's birthday.
  • when kids that look about 12 are better than you at playing guitar.
  • german lessons and exams
  • people that don't text back ever. Or clouds for blocking my fucking signal.
  • Rebecca black. (it was there, I had to take it)
  • my job
  • people that are their boyfriend's girlfreind and nothing else.

Stuff that is THE SEX:
  • texts that actually make you smile to yourself.
  • walking for ages through a wood on a gorgeous day
  • summer holidays
  • people with perfect blue eyes
  • All your favourite food
  • your favourite song that is still AWESOME after the 12th play
  • huggs
  • tea.
  • when you're pretty sure that your pet understands you when you talk to it.
  • being complimented for no reason.
  • songs that describe exactly how you feel
  • walking back from a good night to get train full on belting born for this by paramore
  • freedom, even if just for a second.
  • days of being lazy
  • Being yourself with someone
Moving on from that, I actually had to write this somehwhere in cyberspace because I thought it was fucking brilliant. If you skip to 1.03 on this, you will see what I mean. But the guy is quite funny so I'm not saying don't watch it.

kk I probably should think about sleeping at some point.


Thursday, 23 June 2011

Holy wolverine tits.

resorting to random phrases on this thing is really something I should have thought of a while ago, because ya know, titles that have any link to the post subject/s are so last year. OMG
Can't believe I have one more exam left. It's weird, amazing, and scary all at the same time, weird because for all of my life I've been wondering What it's going to be like if and when I leave school, and now here it is four days away. Amazing because well no more german, maths, science, ICT, or PE to contend with (provided I pass all of them.) And well if you have to ask why it's scary then clearly you never left school. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE ? is a somewhat constant thought in my head, that I've just kind of learnt to tune out.

Why won't YouTube accept my video, fuck sake.


Tuesday, 21 June 2011


HAD TO POST THIS BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME. actually properly cheered me up XDXDXDXD


So. Fuck

Any revision I've done today has been entirely unhelpful. GRRRRRRRRR. And now I'm going to fail, and all of the work I put in on my course work is going to be wasted.

*cries* not really but the concept remains the same. wow my life is brilliant now.

Wait. There's always Hattie's birthday, (both of them), guilfest, redfest, and the fact that in exactly a week I will of finished my exams (excluding retakes if and when I don't do that well)

How blind can you be.


Everybody hurts.

Yet another winner from Avril, except from the bridge Not so sure there. Still love it, and it of course has nothing to do with my actual life. Sometimes I scare myself with how well I can lie when I need to seriously after Hattie told me that yesterday, I was incredibly proud of entirely casual and seemingly uneffected charade. I even started questioning as to weather the person in question was really his type. And started suggesting other people instead, (that weren't myself) IDEFK It's funny. She told me that I may just have to spell it out for him. But look how well that turned out last time.
arghhhhh. What the fuck is my problem with showing emotion ? I really don't understand it.

Moving on. Have some seriously mega textiles cramming to do today that I actually haven't started yet. Oops. still love the previous song though, And escape the fate, Don't worry I still love you.


Monday, 20 June 2011

There are no words.

so pretty...

yeah in case you hadn't figured this out I can't sleep.


Pretty good day...

german went alright, you know aside from being painfully dull. Then I bought some leggings in town with romy...we are the only two people that do german and textiles. Then had textiles revision with hattie and louise which is always a laugh, then bought some pretty
jewellery (omg I actually just spelt that right first time.) yeah I'm special. And I'm glad I needed to be made feel better, OMG my head hurts.


Sunday, 19 June 2011



No word of a lie it is brilliant. There is about 700 hundred other links that I could spam this blog with but you know what, it's my day off. And that would be a redonculous amount of effort. seriously I was awake for far too long yesterday. Because with 5 hours sleep. (having only got to sleep at two) I
-got up at 8.30
-went to work at 9.30 cleaning that was done around half two=£12
-then had I think the best shower of my life having been soaked twice in the process of cleaning
-went shopping for father's day stuff
-had dinner
-then babysat for friends until midnight (about five hours)=£20
-then went on youtube for too long again, until around 2am
total=£32 and 18 hours of being awake

my sleeping pattern is so destroyed.

On the upside I bought 'click' for £2 from a charity shop.Think I might watch that today.

fave vlog quote '' 'you're ridiculous, up at 8 in the morning', what. That's not a thing that's weird, tell that to the farmer's. BITCH !''




Friday, 17 June 2011


Just lost quite a lot of respect or my mum. She genuinely just started a proper full on bitching session about luke. Because he's apparently been making comments on how she's brought me up. Which is fair enough really considering that he's entirely inexperienced in parenting, having no kids of his own yet. And even thought my Dad joined in. I still have respect for him because anything he says about anyone he will quite happily say to there face. But my mum being the oh so diplomatic person that she is, would not do this even when she says that she will.

rant over.
cool stuff. -got a C in a higher tier paper in german today having done no revision, well. ever.
-got some 'smashed up' effect nail varnish today, and tried it. Love.
-chili for tea tonight with friends was quite enjoyable, until my mum started.
-babysitting tomorrow. (to make up for my actual work, which is in 7 hours



Thursday, 16 June 2011


KAYTEI YOU BEAUTIFUL GENIUS (you could never get in the way), I don't know so much about my room but you definelty need to come over so we can do some painting this summer, because I found a canvas that is exact size of my mirror which is SO being mounted next to it. I just need to think of something to paint on it.

So yeah I've cleared out most of the stuff, all that's left is buying the bed, and I want an expensive mattress, because mine is horrible I don't trust a mattress that you can feel the springs in when you lie on it. (more brilliant English)

So yeah my next couple of exams are gonna be fricking lethal. with textiles the word lethal, could be no less than the truth and with the German, MINDFUCK.


p.s probably should close both my windows now. It's really fecking cold.


yes that is the extent of my title today, mainly because I've been clearing out my room for a grand total of two days now and it's still not done...which I suppose I have no one besides myself to blame for this, as it's all my stuff, and it all seemingly had no use. ever.

oh well. hopefully done by this weekend, But oh wait then I ever so fun task of keeping it tidy until I get a new bed and stuffs and move all of my furniture around, somehow I can't see this working.
okay rant over. On here anyway. Hope the weathers nice on Hattie birthday, because I'm sorry but I've done london in the rain on more than one occasion, and it's really not fun. Wow that's a new low for this blog. Did I seriously just comment on weather...NNNOOOOOOOO !


Tuesday, 14 June 2011

This fails

seriously I need more followers on this might motivate me to actually blog about something half way interesting. Currently in the process of contemplating a new room lay out. (high fives for that brilliant use of English). oh and anyone that's finished their exams already, and I mean this is the nicest possible way, FUCK YOU. I still have two tedious german units to sit through, and two an half hours of textiles, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all in one go.

TWO AND A HALF HOURS, it's gonna get to the end of the exam. The invigilator will dismiss us and we won't be able to get up due to chronic pins and needles.

ahhh today was quite good. In retrospect a little strange but still good. Just me Pete, and Hattie sat by the river for a bit. Good times. Have seemingly fallen in love with escape the fate for a third time. Screw what Pete says metal is good, he just can't handle it. LOL


Monday, 13 June 2011

Well that nearly worked...

so not explaining that...tomorrow should be interesting. God today was actually quite a good day, I mean I'm not going to complain about getting to spend near enough five hours doing completely nothing, in a pub garden, chatting to Luke and Hannah about life.

just burnt myself...grrr,

probably should sleep now but there's at least three things I'd rather be doing. meh.
wow, so lazy I can't be bothered to go to sleep. There is surely absolutely no logic behind that.


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Who even wants to grow up anyway?

This question I genuinely do want you to take seriously. It seems in my experience highly over rated to grow up. Get a job (that you kind of hate) stay in the same part of the world for nearly all of your life (even though it will still be there if you want to come 'home')

Also the list of things that are socially acceptable slowly shrinks the older you get, picture this:
' two old women are in guildford high street, you don't know them, but seemingly they are just friends shopping. All of a sudden one of them looks at their phone and they both run up the high street shouting ''THE ZOMBIES ARE CATCHING UP !'', when there are no zombies'

I can't see that going down very well can you ?



I don't want I wonder how many times in my life I've used that phrase. Too many I know, applies to way to many things in my life.
I don't want to clean the bathroom currently. But I frequently don't want to accept the following :
-That I will at some point have to grow up.
-that I might not get an A in art
-that my mum will always be nosy
-that I won't get any thinner (at least not easily)
-that I will probably not be able to find tiger print leggings anywhere.

''what is life, if not to live it ?''

but whatever, all good experience.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Not sure.

of many things, but currently what I'm the most unsure of is what mood I'm actually in. Won't go into detail about any of the other things I'm unsure of at the moment, mainly because I'm not sure I have a spare 12 hours to explain all of it. Got David (relly from down under) staying over tonight. We've been chatting and he's really making me miss all of my cousins and just genuine family that I have over there. Cant' wait for my gap year to go and see all of them.

Went out for dinner and had the most badass chocolate brownie you've ever seen. see facebook for details. Been thinking a good song for the open mik night, is either king of anything by sara barellies, or kiss that girl by kate nash.


Friday, 10 June 2011


OH YES. EPIC WIN. and just genuine happy thoughts to do with this phrase. today was an odd day for me because for the first time ever, it shouldn't have been a good day but it was. crap my 'oh it's saturday tomorrow' feeling was just wrecked by the fact that I have work tomorrow.
hate. okay dislike. but still. negative.



Thursday, 9 June 2011

Can't sleep.

funny isn't it, with a maths exam first thing tomorrow, the ninjas in my room just won't quit tonight. God I hope the noise I'm making doesn't wake my mum up. The fact that she's a light sleeper is sometimes really fucking annoying.

it's odd though for like the first time in a month I'm having trouble sleeping...seemingly yet another reason why maths should die.

what else can distract me from the ninjas I wonder. oh yes the almighty prank I'm planning, should be a gooden that one. Of course nothing to do with the amazingness of my partner in crime, or should I say partners ?

Fuck. I probably should try sleeping but it is almost definitely destined to fail for a second time.


definitely did not just spend five minutes playing with the Google icon today...

Just clicked

new post again, I've got to stop doing that, I swear to god I never used to procrastinate this much. Used to just get in from school, do my homework and then do all the other shit I wanted to do.
Now it's get in. Or get up. turn laptop on, open Facebook, YouTube, iTunes and occasionally BBC bitesize. The problem probably has something to do with the fact the until the exam you can't physically finish's just a continuous, long, boring, horrible, torturous, tedious, process, (stop thinking naughty thoughts)

arrghhhh I HATE MATHS...fuck


Self confidence shot much...

no joke. I went to go visit grandma today, and a comment she made was that my hair looked neglected....which of course was really nice. And on top of that I just spent like the last five minutes trying to figure out why my laptop had no internet connection...I found the button but even still, I really should have figured it out slightly faster than I did. I'm such an idiot sometimes, although that was quite funny.

dear oh dear Summer.


Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Reasons why maths should die...

fuck. I can't think of any, well that was a fail. but it's t
still the biggest load of crap on the planet...I mean since when was it okay for one thing to provoke the following in a person...
-killer instinct
-anger to the point of throwing your parents car into the ocean
-evil super human abilities (or is that just me)
I would go on but I either need to watch glee or revise maths...Oh wait there's no contest



wow. I hate too much. don't feel sick or anything but for lunch just now I had, lasagne with chips and garlic bread. HOLY CRAP. guilt. it's fine I just won't eat dinner. gahhhhh. something like 1112 calories that's just depressing for one meal.

moving on. also got some new ipod headphones, woooo. as well as apple shampoo, nom nom.

just watched IDEK 9 1/2 for the I don't even know...could easily be 10th time, love it !


Sunday, 5 June 2011

Yep, you guessed it.

there is a maths exam tomorrow, And I'm sitting on my floor with my laptop, a cup of tea, a digestive biscuit, and a toffee harvest cheweee bar (fuck off spell check that's the brand name)
which inevitably means I'm going to type about hopefully something interesting for a bit to avoid doing maths revision.

first topic: WTF.
okay aside from the 'how is that a topic' thing, hear me out. Okay so I got given a laptop. But what I may have ceased to mention is how I ended up with it. main basis; my nan and her husband, Jon went on holiday to Australia, and while they were there. Jon's dad died. obviously a harsh thing to happen to you while you're holiday because it makes it hard to enjoy things, anyway he died I'm told very peacefully In his sleep, which considering he had dementia was probably a blessing. I digress, he had three laptops I'm guessing in case one broke or whatever. And apparently one had already been promised to me. so in short, my nan's husband's dad dies, I get a laptop. I have nothing to say. (lies)

second topic: Uncertainty.
As I've always thought it was the source of all my problems, because it is. I thought it deserved at least a good paragraph. so. I'm 16, I've only lived for 16 years. Uncertainty is gonna be a big part of my life right? you know in pretty much every aspect and situation, makes sense the more you think about it, with self esteem and confidence issues-being unsure of yourself, with peer pressure-looking to others for guidance (and getting used). So it all links back to not knowing some things. About yourself, or other people. Or just anything. But something genius was put to me a couple of months ago. Will I miss it ? this point was put to me by an adult I should say But it really made me think, will I miss it ? maybe I will, or rather how do I know that I'm not going to miss that feeling of not having the faintest idea what to do about something. Or how to fix it, or how to tell them, or if I even should tell them. . .it goes on.

third topic: self love
always a good thing to have. Provided it isn't verging on being in love with one's self, that's just a little bit weird. And no one likes an egotistical person.
''you can't love another until you love yourself'' now as someone who does try to stick with this (and fail) I'm gonna find it difficult arguing against it. But here goes. Most of the entire teenage population are gonna have self esteem issues to do with something, I'm guilty of it And I know of others that are, But I've noticed that people by default are going to feel better about themselves if they've got a lovely other person in their life telling how beautiful they are, and how lovely they are to be around.This even by me cannot be denied, and sure there may not even be that much harm in it. But surely it becomes a problem when one person looks to another to receive self confidence.

Now I refuse to use the dreaded 'C' word after having finished all my english exams for now anyway, but that's basically what this is. (ha flossy is sleeping on my parents bed and she's soaked from her walk earlier LOL). You always want what you don't have, to an extent anyway.

okay I think that's it.


that was so smooth...

so yeah yesterday I thought today would be like properly HORRIBLE...but turned out to be not so bad, don't get me wrong work was still horrible. But it could definitely have been worse.
Anyway back to the title. so just finished work. All I wanna do is have shower. so shower goes on and is put to my usual temperature of 'nearly hot enough to make tea', I start wetting my hair and there is a sudden and extremely intense burning pain on my head. Which results in me swearing incredibly loudly several times And then thinking ahhhh crap. I've actually managed to with a full head of hair, burn my scalp, really ?

ahh well. was just about to say things could be worse but oh wait, could they really be worse than maths exam ? scan your brain and tell me one thing that you consider to be worse than a maths exam.

fixed my dress yesterday XDXDXD Yay.


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Yet more retail therapy,

got the sunglasses form acsessorize that I think I've been wanting for around four months now.
they are the all of the sugary goodness that is in the world. LOVE.
as well as mpre new shorts and a top from TK max, woop woop. And yet more burger king. mmmmmmmmmm calories. Shopping is so therapy, it's should definitely be recognized.

argghhhhh. broke the strap on my new dress yesterday still need to mend it....And I have work tomorrow, and then a maths exam on monday...GREAT.

why god ?


Friday, 3 June 2011

lots of love...

a genuinely nice day, having said that, had it pros and cons such as wearing the most annoying dress possible in windy weather, getting slightly toasted, but it's already turning into tan so oh well, and running into a load of the broardwater lot, not brilliant, especially when they started throwing biscuits at us. WHYYYYYY ?

oh wait 'coz you is so gangsta lisnin to dubstep and jumping of the bridge, and throwin biscuits at us coz we is not speakin like cool init' retards no wonder they had no girls with them

watched X-men earlier, was well good.

wiped and glowing,


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

guess what I'm typing this on...

A LAPTOP....if this makes me shallow then I apologize, but i actually just got given a laptop for free and IT'S AMAZING...nan was having clear out and wondered if I like it...alright for some eh.



Good day...

went shopping, I'm sorry but retail therapy is so a recognized form of therapy, well if it's not than it should be. And there was.......SUNSHINE that always helps. And aside from near enough everyone around us being in a couple. was genuinely a good day.

So yeah this was my love horoscope today :
Risky business might land you in hot water. Before you make any big decisions, try thinking carefully about your words and actions and how they affect potential love interests.

well that's just great couldn't you ave been a little more specific . . .
oh wait it's a horoscope. meh

til next time.