Didn't exactly hit me like a slap in the face, but there's a few things that need saying. Don't for the love of the big bang theory, make any new years resolutions ,they are quite frankly way too mainstream...and this may just be me, but if you wanna do something don't wait for a new year to start doing it.
Second. Every problem you have, means your alive to have it. And as cliche as it is...live life, it's fucking short (like me)
Also. I've come to realise that insecurity is entirely powered by you. no one else can fix how you feel about yourself. Basically if you don't care. no one else will, slightly more realistic than ''if you think your the shit, you will be the shit''.
Last lil bit of philosophical bullcrap I just made up is that this is true shit ''You always want what you do not have'' so imagine not having the things you do have. Screw the small issues whatever those things may have. And stop caring. Trust me, it's easier.
Best wishes to all for the new year xxxx
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
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Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
*obligatory deep 2011 title*
I feel like I say this every year, but this one has gone so fast. Just when I thought my GCSE's were going to end my quite happy existence. I got through and got into college, who'd have thought that would happen? So like everything this year has had it's ups and downs. And it would be way to anti-mainstream to not mention them so here goes:
the slightly shittier things that hit the fan
-Grandad died, and quite frankly screwed up my Grandmother and my Dad.
-Dad got very ill twice, during one he did nearly die.
-A certain clueless guy made me quite confused and very upset for a while.
-Luke and Hannah got married.
-I technically played my first gig, (at their wedding).
-redfest(minus one blonde)
-prom (specifically the after party)
-passed GCSE's with minimal effort...hell to the yeah
-the 26th of october 2011. Must remember that one.
-This Christmas has been lovely catching up with all my family that I haven't seen in like 9 years.
-Every single one of Harvey's Pool parties.
-I gained a best friend, that I really don't know what I would do without sometimes.
-And the fact that I'm still here.
So Happy New year XD
the slightly shittier things that hit the fan
-Grandad died, and quite frankly screwed up my Grandmother and my Dad.
-Dad got very ill twice, during one he did nearly die.
-A certain clueless guy made me quite confused and very upset for a while.
-Luke and Hannah got married.
-I technically played my first gig, (at their wedding).
-redfest(minus one blonde)
-prom (specifically the after party)
-passed GCSE's with minimal effort...hell to the yeah
-the 26th of october 2011. Must remember that one.
-This Christmas has been lovely catching up with all my family that I haven't seen in like 9 years.
-Every single one of Harvey's Pool parties.
-I gained a best friend, that I really don't know what I would do without sometimes.
-And the fact that I'm still here.
So Happy New year XD
I've been thinking, (dangerous, I know), that's it, Just been thinking. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO THAT WILL NEVER GET DONE EVER.....I'm fucked. And I have yet again managed to amaze myself with how much stuff I can do to avoid doing all of it...So I got up, at 12 which wasn't the best start. Hate way too much. Spent about an hour dancing around my kitchen to Beyoncé (way 2 cool). Painted my nails. because you know that's important. And now here I am, only about half way through one piece of work...
Congratulations. To me.
Congratulations. To me.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Pradnya Bhot ''i cannot slap my ex...actually no1 shud...hw cn u h8 person..who wer d mst imp. part of your lyf..i dnt regret tym i spent wid him..nor i h8 him.. :)''
YES. This person does exist. If you know that a 'y' is also an 'i' sound then you also must have deliberately spelt the entire of that null in void comment wrong. Congratulations pratt.
Moving swiftly on, I have to try and so some work today, but there are annoyingly several other things I would rather be doing. But you don't deserve to be bored with that if I know you even remotely well.
hope life is treating you all well. And see you next time on the most pointless blog on the internet.
YES. This person does exist. If you know that a 'y' is also an 'i' sound then you also must have deliberately spelt the entire of that null in void comment wrong. Congratulations pratt.
Moving swiftly on, I have to try and so some work today, but there are annoyingly several other things I would rather be doing. But you don't deserve to be bored with that if I know you even remotely well.
hope life is treating you all well. And see you next time on the most pointless blog on the internet.
Monday, 26 December 2011
The Decision
of which blog to actually post this on was much more difficult than normal today, considering that I wasn't sure if some of what I want to vent was really up to the expected festive season standards. (will have to phone them and ask.)So heres how I'll do this:
First draft: So as much as I want to pretend I had a good day it would have been better if several of the following things hadn't happened. First being my child/fucking annoying twattish old man of an ex boss that I happen to resent living next to phoned us up at Luke and Hannah's (after having not managed to reach us at our own house) because he wants to reiterate the same fucking thing he has told me about 7 and half times. Second being That my relatives managed to be a tad more arsey than normal due to a few things like my uncle being ill and my nan over reacting to this and phoning up the HNS (which are of course gonna be really fucking helpful on boxing day) and my Dad then judging all of my Mum's family, which basically always upsets her. Otherwise alright.
Second draft: So things could have gone better but hey, no one died right?? I still have all this amazing stuff I got and a load of money to go to my next guitar and today was good. To an extent, we just ended up drowning all the shit with YouTube. (Which if you didn't know is the way forward) because of this vid which I otherwise would not have watched:
Do yourself a favour and full screen this shit. You won't regret it. THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH.
also. Heard this for the first time today.
IT'S AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
First draft: So as much as I want to pretend I had a good day it would have been better if several of the following things hadn't happened. First being my child/fucking annoying twattish old man of an ex boss that I happen to resent living next to phoned us up at Luke and Hannah's (after having not managed to reach us at our own house) because he wants to reiterate the same fucking thing he has told me about 7 and half times. Second being That my relatives managed to be a tad more arsey than normal due to a few things like my uncle being ill and my nan over reacting to this and phoning up the HNS (which are of course gonna be really fucking helpful on boxing day) and my Dad then judging all of my Mum's family, which basically always upsets her. Otherwise alright.
Second draft: So things could have gone better but hey, no one died right?? I still have all this amazing stuff I got and a load of money to go to my next guitar and today was good. To an extent, we just ended up drowning all the shit with YouTube. (Which if you didn't know is the way forward) because of this vid which I otherwise would not have watched:
Do yourself a favour and full screen this shit. You won't regret it. THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH.
also. Heard this for the first time today.
IT'S AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 25 December 2011
What I want to do Won't fit here...
which is the following
(I like the only half of that is apparently a spelling error.)
Best wishes xoxo
(I like the only half of that is apparently a spelling error.)
Best wishes xoxo
Saturday, 24 December 2011
If you actually haven't missed me,
Don't you love it when your just so god damn proud of your Christmas gold, glittery eye make up that you just can't stop catching your own gaze in mirrors. And I'm so organized that I'm doing my Christmas cards now. On Christmas Eve.
Happy Holidays xoxo
Don't you love it when your just so god damn proud of your Christmas gold, glittery eye make up that you just can't stop catching your own gaze in mirrors. And I'm so organized that I'm doing my Christmas cards now. On Christmas Eve.
Happy Holidays xoxo
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Pretty impressive evening...
no honest to god...aside from the confusingly bad dj that kept fucking everything up...
and one comment that put me in a very good mood.
*goes to bed leaving this in draft form*
GOOD MORNING ALL, how the fuck I am awake and this hyper so early in the morning when I didn't get to sleep until half two is beyond me. Never the less should be a good evening tonight. *cries because everyone is turning 17 before her*
O&O xoxo
and one comment that put me in a very good mood.
*goes to bed leaving this in draft form*
GOOD MORNING ALL, how the fuck I am awake and this hyper so early in the morning when I didn't get to sleep until half two is beyond me. Never the less should be a good evening tonight. *cries because everyone is turning 17 before her*
O&O xoxo
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011
And Finally,
after a year, Luke and Hannah are now married, and I'm actually just very happy with the whole day...granted my Dad very continently told me something earlier which made me more than slightly passive aggressive towards my mums step dad to say the least, but I'm not letting that fucking twat ruin this blog post.
Hannah looked fucking gorgeous, the ceremony wasn't too tedious and the reception was fucking awesome because like a proper wedding everyone got smashed, and there was open mic during which the maid of honour and her band did a set which was a nice touch. And of course Luke's folk band also did a set (even without him present), which although not to my taste did fit the chilled drunk atmosphere quite well...and, I swear I forgot something. Oh yeah...I actually managed to do an ADTR song. And I'm incredibly happy with all the comments I got from the other 'professional' musicians saying how good I was. Aside from that just happy I didn't chicken out. (and that no one noticed I fucked up all of the lyrics)
Jen: '' OMG. LIKE. DUDE. THAT WAS SOOOOOOO AWESOME.when I heard you say you might do a song, I was just like oh cool man.*dramatic pause*I had no idea you were gonna go and be that good.''
Anachy and insanity
Thursday, 15 December 2011
So maybe I didn't feed your fucking horrible collection of rats. Don't try to make me feel guilty after phoning me at half 12 at night and then hanging up giving me no chance to explain myself. THEY WON'T DIE AFTER TWO DAYS OF NOT BEING FED YOU SAD MOTHER FUCKER.
look out, If I ever could, I would kill you.
*related* incredibly unproductive but awesome day today. And I forget how much I love this song.
Much love.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
I lost it, and only found it again today. Saw my cousin Emily today, after like 8 years and her Australlian accent is adorable. Can't fucking wait for my gap year, I need to go see all of them so badly.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Trying and Failing
to learn blackbird by the Beatles...it's getting there, and sounds alight but I only started with it, today.
Monday, 12 December 2011
This writers block seemingly will not shift.
So yet more negative productivity is needed: Traditions, here goes nothing. Now Kaytei if you read this, it's not only aimed at you. You were just the one that kind of reminded me this still existed. Girls can still be incredibly old fashioned. Times have moved on and yet two of my favourite girls are hating a guy I actually quite like because of a shit tonne of stuff he hasn't done. What sense hath this? *point, quote*
''so how did it go?''(how was friday)
''it was really good''
''so are you...?''(are you going out)
''oh, no.''
''oh...can I hate him on your behalf?''
Times have changed. My mother's ideals are a lil too old, and as much as it is annoying me a small hardly noticable amount that he is blind as a cactus with sunglasses and is enjoying being single way too much, It shouldn't still be expected behaviour to change that. People may as well be saying ''OMG You held hands..you have to get married'' It's almost a girls instinct to expect a relationship because one thing happened (this is partially more frustrating because I can't not agree with it)
Oh and I feel like this quote is interesting if not relevant:
''Why do I always fall for the bad girl?''
''I do believe I know the answer to this, because every time she does something bad you ignore it, and every time she does something good, she comes through and surprises you and you lose that argument with yourself that she's not for you''
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Sunday, 11 December 2011
''Do you Believe in Love at this age?''
Someone asked me this the other day, and now due to not wanting to do something I really should be doing (English language work) I'll answer it in a little bit more depth. So I'm not straying to much from my original answer of: no. However what I meant when I said that, was that I don't believe in the annoying gushy, soppy idea of 'love' that you constantly get told by movies and books should be your only goal in life to find. I mean what stupid person thinks that you should waste your life away because your 'prince' hasn't come and found you yet?
BITCH get a life, leave your tower and explore the world, you never know who or what might find you if you let it.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Being Happy
actually isn't half bad, after seeing two of my favourite people last night, and then seeing my uncle Richie again this morning I'm remembering how life isn't always out to get you, just somtimes. And it was this morning also that I saw, played, and actually loved this guitar

so much, it sounds flawless and I want it, but there's one problem. It's nearly £400.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Friday, 9 December 2011
Without sounding too girly...
today was actually freaking brilliant.
Also, Harry Potter innuendo will never not be funny
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Thursday, 8 December 2011
seriously I've never seen wind that powerful in Surrey. Lake district maybe but never...well, here. I was nearly convinced that I was going to blow away *hits Rupert for obligatory short dig* But yeah aside from the singing part and hearing the occasional really obvious innuendo in the readings. Carol service was (as it in heav-wait every year), BORING AS FUCK .Shocked? No didn't think so.
TTFN xoxo
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
The reason that I have known the date this entire week if you asked me is I've only just realised, incredibly sad even for me. So got to around 1000 words with my Top girls essay, feel a lil better but I still just want it done (only stopped now because it's nearly midnight and some sleep may be an idea). Out of my way handed in only to be handed back to me after Christmas with god knows how many things wrong with it. But still it will be done. So then I can relax all Chri-wait....no I'll have yet more Textiles work to do, which admittedly isn't so bad and then the black widow of my options. PSYCHOLOGY DUNDUNDUN.
this has made a sufficient lack of sense and I'll see you whenever the fuck you get bored enough to read this waffle
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Stuff and things and words.
but I'm not even going to try and make sense...far to mainstream (didn't even consciously think about typing that phrase). I just feel like this needs to be said if no where else, the internet will do. I have missed my uncle rich. He's so chilled and I hadn't seen him for like 4 years, that would have made me 12 the last time I saw him. And the fact that I have changed so much really only occurred to me when I saw his reaction to me a further 4 years later. Shit's gone down and also rather scarily 4 years really doesn't feel like it has actually gone.
Also I have realised that I regret nothing. That's a very nice feeling. No matter what the result of any of my actions where, they have gotten me where I am which is at the best of times, pretty fucking happy. With a family that love me and legs and arms that work.
this has been sufficiently cheesy and I'll see you next time with another insight into how fucking interesting my life is...
laters bitches. xoxo
Monday, 5 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
I know what your thinking....another annoying make up guru, but trust me this one's different.
So much love.
You had a piece of my heart but not enough to just run away.
'Awful' or not the lyrics kind of work.
No Matter What you think...
I love Christmas, it's different to all other times of year in that you just have an excuse to be happy, and your allowed to eat whatever the fuck you want. I only bring this up because my lovely uncle and his other half are getting married on the 16th, so yes I regret to say that I will in fact not be in on the last day of school. Which trust me no one is more upset about than me I won't get to see all of your lovely faces on the last day and sing (or rather shout badly off key) the forever classic 12 days of Christmas.
Back to the 'point' of this, as much as I am happy at the prospect of everything that is be happening this Christmas. I have coursework. That does need to be done. It's not gonna happen, all of our relatives are coming over from fucking Australia and I don't want to just say ''yeah...I know I haven't seen you in half my life but I have an essay to go write'', which brings me to my final point.
Teachers should really talk to each other in conjunction with the following.
-what other work one particular student has been set
-the fact that students have lives outside of school
-the fact sleep is kind of necessary
-And that as much as teachers have no power over this, I really think everything would be easier if A- levels where set to take more than two years. The jump between A-level and GCSE is huge and just because we got warned doesn't mean all of us are gonna be able to cope.
That will be all
Saturday, 3 December 2011
I'm actually so HAPPY :D
Went to the first part of Hannah's hen do tonight, just got in having met THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER. Gen, she is epic prospect of many gigs being gone due to her being 23 and she is just so cool. they all went clubbing and I couldn't go cause of the whole only-16 thing, but still so happy...
also I cleaned my room earlier so it feels a lot bigger now. And that was the best shower ever.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep XD
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
You never know what you need.
until you get it...seriously night in with some close friends in comfy pjs and with a shit tonne of junk food. WAS SO WHAT I NEEDED. As much as i really need the shower that I will go and have, in a minute, when I can be bothered to get off my bed and stop catching up in my YouTube subscriptions.
love and stuff xoxo
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