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Sunday 15 November 2009

A jazzed up greek myth. . .

chapter one - clear of mind, clear of spirit

i had to get out, out of the house, out of the village- you get the idea. you might even think escape was on my mind, but i can state truthfully that, even that wasn't really a desire of mine at that current moment. The desire was more for some kind of peace of mind, no matter how twisted it may have been by the time i got to it. you may laugh when you discover the conclusion i came to which was go to the woodlands about a bus ride away from where i live, but by the time i got there, it didn't really hold the attraction I'd hoped for. It was more what your typical person (that still had their sanity) might like the idea of. The main gist being a gorgeous sunny day with pretty sounding birds singing and families with adorable little girls wearing big pink coats out walking together.

And as much as i can normally appreciate that sight it kind of made me feel worse after what happened. . . . . . .

And that's when i realized,

running away wont help anything

getting frustratedly depressed

certainly wont help anything either. all you can do in life is be logical about the issue at hand, and of course complain about the weather because . . . . .well-we're only human.

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