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Thursday, 29 September 2011


gotta love formsrping....anyway, I have really enjoyed the last few days. Because as much as I feel I have been deliberately avidoiding doing any of my work recently, I also feel like all the crap I mind-splurge onto this blog every freaking minute when I can, about how you should quit worrying about every little annoying detail and just enjoy life, is what I have been doing.

Like the guitar piece I'm working on as of now is one I'm genuinely quite pleased with.

And just other crap like that

Sweet thoughts xoxo

Monday, 26 September 2011

Playing Tennis.

hmmmmmmmmmmm. Much love for today, for a Monday twas rather amazing. Despite a cold, and it's genuine Mondayness coz near enough, it's 11 now and it feels like I just got in, well I got in at like 20 past 10, which for a Monday is late.

RECAP. left college, walked with Harvey to the top of town, went to superdrug, then debanahms, then cinema, then watched the EPIC MOVIE, (friends with benefits, recommend) the dossed around for a bit. Then Pete walked me to the station, then I missed my train (smooth) and snuck up on him AHHHAAAA.

And I am now somewhat Knackered.



Sunday, 25 September 2011

Whale children.

Ahhhhh crabsticks you lej anyways I succsesfully managed to stay in my PJ's all day...XD

quite chuffed with that XD


Why do I keep doing that...


yeah I really don't know, had one of those very nice relaxing days. But now I've kind of realised that I have done shit all in the way of coursework...


Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sing, smile, laugh, eat chocolate, give someone a hug...nothing extraordinary will happen if you don't let it. And don't forget to enjoy whatever you like doing with disregard to disproval from anyone. XD

And If this was too cheesy for your liking just read the previous post.

Sweet thoughts xoxo

OH THAT'S RIGHT.ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as you may have gathered I am somewhat happy about this. And in a generally good mood to be honest. And after yesterday which was just epic. I mean add, watching the whole school doing the sponsored walk while sitting eating food (specifically biscuits). To several epic hours with Pete and Hattie and of course Kaytei, by the river. And a basically private rave by the river quite late last night. And you have a bloody brilliant day. All of this Only slightly dampened by the mother of all blisters on both of my feet (so I can't even escape by limping)

So I think that's about it...And just to be stereotypical I shall link some stuff.

Kaytei this is the guy I'm going to meet in london. See if you like. It's a Sunday.

And obligatory musicalness.

warning this is mildly heavy. BUT EPIC.


Thursday, 22 September 2011


Yeah I don't know.


''I don't mind.

if we take our time.'' lovefullness for that song. which I can now sorta play badly.

''If God hates gays, why does he keep making them ?''. OH how my Nan would be disappointed in me if she read that, it's not my fault sxephil is a genius.

hmmmm so on that light note, (of anti-religion and brilliant music)


Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I hope that you see right through my walls.

Ahhhhh the forever darling Christina Perri. How is that you're lyrics are so goddamn gorgeous ? I would be resentful if they didn't correlate with my life so freakishly well. I may have posted this exact video before, but it's to lovely.

I think people really should be more appreciative of being able to like/love to death the same song or artist, because music is such a personal thing, it's no wonder people get so defensive if you claim to not liking a certain band/artist that they like.

Argghhhhh, I take offense at that. thinks that Nicola Roberts is a similar artist to Christina Perri. WHAT ? no, Christina is obviously better. Although it's not difficult to be better than someone who released a song with the lyrics ''dance to the beat of my drum'' repeatedly.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

''At least you have the motivation.''

well yeah, but not because I think I'm that interesting. Honestly this blog is just close to me, not a career prospect, so much as an outlet/dairy/past time that is much less effort to keep than my written one. And I just enjoy it. And it's especially lovely when I manage to impart any kind of thought or wisdom (all of my 16 years of it).

This is a rarity, but then all the more brilliant when it happens.

Sweet thoughts xoxo

Monday, 19 September 2011

I should be doing...

Anything but this. But where's the fun in doing things that you're supposed to do ?

Exactly. No where. Sleeping with sirens, still very much addictive. I can't help but think that there is something

Wow that was a waste of 3.35 of my life. Two words. Anaal nathrakh.


Saturday, 17 September 2011


and I know most of the guys I know would hate it. Because his singing voice sounds about 12 but I love it.

TTFN xoxo

You know

when you want to put something on facebook and you want it to be relatively funny and interesting. But you cannot think of anything, I find that when this is the case I put it on here instead.

hmmmm think i might go for a run in a sec. I was tryna time it so that it wasn't to hot when went but I suppose I'd rather that then I get soaked.


Friday, 16 September 2011

Be happy.

You might enjoy it.

Is it worrying that I tell myself this quite a lot. Not that I'm not as a rule quite happy, it's just I get annoyed quite easily so I find myself trying to counter act it. Like earlier, I got wolf whistled by some random chavs...and was generally just annoyed because I could hear them laughing after they thought I was out of ear shot...But I realised soon after that it may have just been easier to take it as a compliment and move on.

Sweet thoughts xoxo

Thursday, 15 September 2011

refer to page title. Again.

I have nothing interesting to title this with...just been thinking and now cannot seem to be as articulate as I would perhaps like to be currently. Thoughts and emotions although a beautiful thing can really wreck your life huh ? On the other side of that the negative ones can be the mother of some moving art pieces or music or just about anything really.

Is it true that what we run from chases us...?

Yes. It does, in your mind usually. If you try and escape something physically it will find you. At the bizarest of moments, And maybe a song or a poem will be born, or a realization perhaps. Because you can 'make me smile' and I should have realized sooner....

'while I've been waiting...for you to pull me through'

Sweet thoughts. xoxo

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

My computer is now a fucking wanker...

According to me talking to myself. Along with the cake being untidy, the koran being edible, and thrown at Christian children. And the fact that some genius decided to make white russianS into a lollipop......WHICH IS AMAZING.

God I really need to stop making posts that I know only two people will be able to make any sense of. When only one of those two people will actually read it.


Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Yes. I am seriously gonna see how long I can keep up this crazy titles thing, but as it's not naturally a gift I posses to be effortlessly hilarious. It may end up failing...
As seen on my facebook my hands down (ahhaa) winner for the quote of the day is Rupert with ''THE CAKE IS UNTIDY'' and I would congratulate you But I genuinely don't know if you even read this so there's probably not much point.

So today at college, God is that what I am reduced to talking about....OH WAIT...not it's not. Yesterday was pretty good, because none other than Tilly found me at the castle, then took me to plant, where I met some people, including Hampus who I have not seen all summer, and then she dragged me to marvins...Where I as you would expect ran into some druggies, who although very laid back peepz, still put me on edge slightly.

I forgot to mention the other thing Rupert said that kinda made me laugh because it was mildly offensive, never the less sufficiently distracted me from doing my English work, so it deserves some credit. *whilst in conversation about David parry : ''Why am I friends with him ?''

So that's a thing...(Aaaahh Philip Defranco reference)

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Sunday, 11 September 2011

homosexual unicorn juice...

By yours today...LOL Destery reference, okay I kid, it was actually orangutan juice, but I like unicorn better....So I went to clapham common with the gorgeous Hattie to see a load of mainstream music *attempts happy face* I KID it was a brilliant day, aside from the SHIT TONNE (now standardized measurement, lol pete reference) OF 12 YEAR OLD SCREAMING FAN GIRLS THAT nearly killed us all. Okay they didn't. (Coz I would have killed them first knowing me) But rather entertainingly I could see Nathan sykes' expression and the more screaming there was, the more vaguely pissed off he started to get.


ahhh more getting up early required tomorrow.....


Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Friday, 9 September 2011

How can you put

A title on this evening...that sounds like an epic song title. So somewhere between a fail and a brilliant night. Was my evening.

So yeah...


Thursday, 8 September 2011

Sup bitches....

yeah.......I DON'T KNOW ANY MORE. So media studies is kinda crap, I feel bad coz I can't even blame the teachers, I just can't see myself getting on with it.

So now it's between English lit and Philosophy and Ethics. . . . .. hmmmmmm


Sup bithcea

Sup bithcea

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

How Have I only discovered you now ?

Ben Abraham, when and if you can YouTube search or sound-cloud this dude because he is beautiful. links:

this song is so stunning it genuinely left me speechless.

with soundcloud. just click the down arrow on the right to download. :)

So definitely do not regret my decision to stay...but give me a week and I promise to be much more cynical and realistic . . . But me of all people hopes that this isn't the case.

Insanity and freedom xoxo

Monday, 5 September 2011

So sixth form eh...

was gonna say that I didn't see that one coming but I must have done...and OH MY GOD THAT SPIDER IS FUCKING HUGE.


Sunday, 4 September 2011


If anyone is really bothered, (which they probably aren't) my room is so nearly done now it's almost frustrating...but the new lampshade looks so pretty. :)

really wish people would give you a solid reason for not replying to your texts and genuinely ignoring you...just a thought.


Friday, 2 September 2011

Sleep Deprivation...

I gotta stop doing it. It's always worse when all I had all day was, a biscuit, a yoghurt, half a sandwich and an ice cream. And then like 6 units of alcohol in one hit (which wouldn't normally touch me otherwise), and just to say it wasn't my fault I was busy living my life yesterday, which I will be doing again today, yes that's right I'm going shopping with my Mum and Hannah. And as much as I am looking forward to's gonna be the actual shopping that I hate, you know the one I mean where you actually have to by useful stuff. I mean c'mon where's the fun or glitter in that.

And that is probably my main reason for doing what I did this morning. Basically after having no sleep, due first off to Hattie and David chatting away happily (which I would not be grudge otherwise) And they were pretty much just adding to my premature headache and then second off to me then being the only person in the room not asleep.Which I suppose I can't really blame anyone else for, I mean I hardly gonna say they were the breathing loo loudly. But all complaining aside, it was a genuinely good, okay no, FREAKING AMAZING night, props go to Pete and Rupert for not minding me sleeping on them *pulls awkward face* .

But I digress, back to the point. This was that I walked back from Philippa's at around half five this morning, and I make it around quarter to seven now....hmmmmmm. (And I definitely did not Hallucinate a tall dark cloaked figure following me.....)

Oh and Kaytei, you ask you get. Here is the link to that song I was going on about. XD

Anarchy, Insanity and Happiness always xoxo

Thursday, 1 September 2011

You put your arms around me and I'm home...

Just listened to that, and although the melody I think will have to grow on me. The lyrics I love, they're so cute. (just for reference song is Arms-Christina Perri) They kinda link back nicely to my last arguably GOOD post.

I had a good day....I started my painting, I say started because it's by no means finished. ah welllls.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo