I'm not apologizing. Deal.
Ahem, yeah should be good, and so the Drama resurfaces, I had tried to avoid it but my family life as a rule kind of lives off it. Let's got from the top shall we? My dad got in from work as he usually does, parked his Motorbike round the back, and as he came in he was bizarely silent, this had me worried for a bit. Turns out he had taken a rather charming chunk of skin (that he clearly didn't need anymore) out of his arm, and hand, and it just overall looked quite messy. But it was, as I was disappointed that he didn't say, only a 'mere flesh wound'. Simply made worse by the drugs he is now on for his heart attack. Blood that doesn't clot properly is really fucking convenient. He had asked mum to help him put a dressing on it, and she had (by the sounds of things) been maybe not doing it exactly how he would have liked (you know you lol'd). So he asked me to put it on, (or something to that effect maybe closer to ''FFS GO AND GET SUMMER'')
So with some patience and some saftey pins, I dressed it according to him fairly well. That's a thing.
Anarchy and Insanity xoxo
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