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Sunday, 31 July 2011

I probably should stop doing this at some Point.

But it's I feel a slightly more productive use of my time than well nothing...So here goes.

Does media set you up for failure ?
If you can think of any aspect of life that media hasn't already acquired an angle on then you are by far more intelligent than me. Media has basically just written book telling near enough everybody listening (weather they meant to be or not) What their sex and love life should be like, how they should dress, how they should exercise and eat or not eat in various cases, how they should bring up their kids, decorate their house, right down to how to do their gardening.

And all I can gather from this is that some people either, have no compassion for other people or way too much time on their hands. Seriously how is putting pictures of emaciated teenage girls in magazines good for anyone else's self esteem ? oh wait it's not.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo


  1. i disagree with your post title, i love your deep posts questioning morality...and stuff... :P xxx
