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Saturday, 31 March 2012

I Say The Word 'So' to much.

if you hadn't noticed. And don't you hate it when you really wish you hadn't bothered with that text, because the reaction you got really wasn't the one you wanted.

anyway, this left me thoughtless if just for a second, which I appreciated

Love in it's purest form, as hate is more difficult.

Your Level of Eloquence Will Never Explain the Clean Crisp and Lyrical Shine they Have...

yep, I'm already hating revising, but it's purely a means to an end I guess, and I seem to need to all the extra time I can give myself to not think about anything that actually means something in my head.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Is really the only thing I can say...I messed up a little bit. I am just one smooth motherfucker. Hey lets go out for a 2 hour walk. And not take my phone, that's a really clever thing to do, and sarcasm aside I was utterly convinced my mum wouldn't go as far as to look for me....I mean, they should have known I would have come back eventually, I frequently go out for long walks, and I'm sorry but the area I live in, or rather was walking around, is not the kind of place people get attacked.

Also rather hilariously a guy in year 11 (I think) who I had a nice chat with on the train home about the fail that is art GCSE. Ended up following me for a bit and I didn't realise, and then I swear to god once he over took he thought I was following him, as he kept turning round and looking nervous/confused. Feel good for that walk though.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

PS Kaytei...this is Blake Bliss. He knows Des and might like him. Follow links to his music channel as well if you want. xxxx

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

On and Ipad

It's awkward as hell but I felt I should say, I still wouldn't mind having one. Oh yeah reason for this...babysitting and kinda glad that if I don't get any work done I will have at least made some money and I realised today how much I really appreciate my girlmates. There the ones you know will always be there.

Anarchy and insanity xoxo

Monday, 26 March 2012

When Was The last Time. . .

I just wrote. Because that entity of creativity is the only thing that cures it all and if that ceases to work I'll be left with. Nothing.

Something beautiful,
way out of my reach and simply the glint in your eye.
The depth of your breath,
and to know what story is wiped away each night.
The look you gave me after words -
as if a lost wedding ring,
meaningless when dropped
and a shocking blessing to receive.
My place of peace can never be the same,
never as rested or disconnected
and for that I'm not sorry,
because the stars saw it
and the moon took the hint.

Pointless babble.

Screw you, my waffling helps me think straight and no one is even forcing you to read it....SO lets start with music, listening; Reckless, a little truth, bite my tongue and time is money by youmeatsix and remembered the genius that is eminem earlier.
playing; (warning, this gets shocking) Kate nash, I hate seagulls ''And my heart skips a beat every time that we meet it's been a while and now your smile is almost like a memory'', Mayday Parade, I swear this time I mean it.

College, what can I say? the building hasn't burnt down and turned into a free pub just for us lot quite yet so it could be better, but I'm surviving. Just. (high five if you got that reference)

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Sunday, 25 March 2012

As Much Beauty as There is in Light, There is in Darkness

I love that quote, and when I heard it, it really made me think about-well emotions...
Happiness; To me it seems at times an abstract concept and something that is simply assumed you are if you don't outwardly appear anything different. People (me included) forget that your mental state is nothing if not inconsistent, and it doesn't matter how stupid whatever is upsetting you may be, in your eyes it is at that particular moment anyway, something that hurts you somewhere you weren't even sure could hurt. But within that hurt is the smallest most beautiful reminder that you're alive.

Until you try to tell yourself that he's better off with the redhead. Because your euselss, apetich, and udnetwna.

*the opinions and views expressed here are not (that) serious*

laters bitches.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Hitting the Bitches in The face With Bass Guitars.

My facebook explains that already, and I feel like I should warn you that in clicking this (however you got here) you have promised me something; that you will if try a hot chocolate with cinnamon in it, just decided to try it, ZOMG SO GOOD!!!!

And went to watch the Free Radicals in Guildford. Even if folk isn't your thing, they are just quite an entertaining group of lads. I love sun, it makes me happy.

I also saw musicalbethan in town today, wanted to say hi, but she was doing a shoelace up, and her friends/band members looked scary. and apologies to anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about. if you wanna know, I mean her >>>>>
but this sums her up better...

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Simplicity is good.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

In Reverse.

everything seems to be
flipped over and the wrong way round
I want it back.
but not to front
my melatonin
and consistent mindset.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Read, If You Dare.

This is something that I have thought about greatly for a while, been told about by all of my male acquaintances and I feel it needs to be addressed (if for no other reason my own sanity). Girls. Yes you. Every single one of you with possibly one or two exceptions, have done at least one of the following things. I obviously cannot prove this so I'll leave it to you to deicide, but if you don't admit it to yourself then your either A: way to perfect for everyone or B: a liar. And If you are a guy then by all means carry on reading but I really don't think you'll find out anything new. By no means am I going to be completely stereotypical and only accept my side of this argument, Guys are also frustrating, this is not something that I will try and dispute (being a straight girl myself). I'm simply discussing this point because I feel as though it is hardly touched on. And sometimes almost deliberately avoided, by girls at least.

Lets get something straight. Humans are flawed. Women are, and men are. But everything from teenage girls, to the media constantly points a finger at the male population for all of their wrongs and women are frequently and quite falsely labelled as these goddesses that can do know wrong simply because they can have children which is in itself painfully archaic. Worse still, any woman that has had friends in her life will tell you what utter crap that is. Girls are evil, deceitful, snake tongued creatures at times and this just gets overlooked as if it where acceptable. Whereas a guy does one small thing wrong and is shunned by the girl, her parents and
her friends. Popular culture has recently been flooded with these ideas that no matter what the situation, the man is to blame. For instance in a classic romance novel or film If the man cheats or ends it with the woman, he is then automatically made into the bad guy, this is fair enough for cheating and maybe for a messy or just badly handled breakup, but the idea that whatever was wrong could ever have been the girls fault is just not possible. This is even more noticeable in fictional situations where the woman has in fact cheated on the man and the plot is twisted to make it seem, almost justified because she 'fell in love with someone she wasn't allowed to' or 'her partner was not emotionally there for her', fact is; She still cheated and simply because she possesses breasts she gets given the moral foreground. And either way the man is portrayed as useless typical man.

The so called 'double standard' by this I mean the fact that as of recent years women have been striving to get more independence and they've been getting it. And yet as soon as they date they're putting themselves back where they started. By either expecting their significant other to pay for them or even just constantly look after her. I am by no means saying that 'women now have to pay for themselves otherwise equality is destined to fail'. But it is simply hypocritical to expect the the rights of men, and still expect the niceties of being a weak little 'princess'. Same goes for high maintenance girlfriends, I know you're out there. Most likely wearing something very expensive that you 'just had to have' and got using your tried and tested puppy dog face. He should buy you things because he wants to make you happy if that is how he feels, not because he was damn near forced to. And that said, when was the last time you did something sweet for him? Don't expect what you aren't willing to give back.

On a side note to that feminism itself or modern feminism anyway is uncalled for. Because as I'm sure you've heard someone else say it is trying to achieve equality by focussing entirely on the issues of one gender. When surely to achieve equality you need to be trying to help both sides. As previously mentioned, now because of feminism the male population are overly scrutinised for any wrong they do and whenever they feel like it they can just accuse men of being discriminative and mostly get what they want. On the radio the other day I heard the phrase 'Women and men' used in a news report and found myself annoyed that the so called 'fight for rights' had gotten that far. It's not injustice, it's not cruelty it's simply tradition, the same as the woman taking the man's name in marriage, which is not even required any more.

Moving on to slightly more shallow flaws I have noticed, one of which being the fact that girls shamelessly fish for compliments, and I know this one to be true because I have noticed myself doing it. Think how many times you have been with your girlfriends or your boyfriend and said something like ''uh I look horrible today'' or ''I wish I was pretty'' to get the ''no you don't, you look gorgeous'' or the ''But you are'' response from whoever you are with. I know that it's nice to get compliments, of course you want to feel good about yourself, but this technique is sort of cheating don't you think? And while I'm on the topic of mind games, phrases like this really, really annoy me. ''Why are you guys such dicks sometimes?'' In a word; guilt tripping. Because most guys will respond with ''what have I done?'' or ''what's wrong?'' when mostly, the answer is nothing. The girl simply wants to try and make him guilty for no reason other than him then probably trying to win over again. It's deceitful and stupid.
the link shown is although an incredibly extreme case of shocking abuse, what some of a certain cast had to say about this particular case is quite something to behold. Prepare your flaming torches...

The fact that this was even said says a lot, because although the women were forced to do an apology it is somewhat unconvincing and they cannot have been thinking about the consequences of what they were saying would rightly be. Laughing and joking about cutting a part of the human body off at the most basic level, is not acceptable. But because the part meant in this context was a man's penis a large group of women just can't help but find it hilariously funny. Yet if the topic was a case of a man doing something of a similar nature to a woman, all hell would break loose and said man would probably get arrested or worse. ''It's different, one's floppy and..''' NO! IT'S NOT DIFFERENT. It's cruel, vile and twisted.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


No seriously unless you saw it on Facebook, then don't worry.

Have a good day on me folks. (And try to not put that out of context)

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo


Saturday, 3 March 2012

Not Labelling Today.

'Coz I'm feelin' way too damn good' that song was just in my head, and seemed fitting, so lets recap, some revision got done. Bought a guitar, went back to Luke and Hannah's watched Jane Eyre which was freaking awesome. Went home. Just now epilated my legs, and although painful, worth it for how long I'm not faffing with it again. Sorry wait go back, yes that's right...


(no I'm not sad)
the guys in the shop where quite funny. While one who we had already met was as cool and tall and all around as massive as he had been first time round, there was another two guys there, one who worked there just your standard salesman, (twat) and the second guy was just so try hard. Clearly only just been employed there and was being way to, well- much. I mean there is only so many interesting things you can say about the zips on a guitar case, and where to put a screw for a strap on it....

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Friday, 2 March 2012

Why the words get so twisted when they were yours first. Why If I could pick a colour right now it would be burgundy. How a person can make me drop resentment with a flicker, of those god damn eyes. How the music got frozen just like this whole day as seemed to be, in a wood surrounded by nothing, the words dropped like chalk are now a tattoo.