I had a such a good night last night, and then it has to go and get ruined by me feeling really quite crap now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't exactly in good health yesterday, but I had a cold, those I can deal with, now everything hurts, including my head, and I'm sort of shocked I can even recall what my own name is.
on a happier note, last night was proper good, everyone was just so happy, we rarely get days like those now, with all the dramas that happen for no reason, except that all of us haven't really grown up properly, there is of course the odd exception to that rule. But you get my point (hopefully).
I do wish that this headache would fuck off. it's getting to the point that its stops me mid-sentence talking to people.
grrrrrrr see y'all
aw, i feel for you summer :( i know you weren't feeling great today either so i hope that you get fully better soon.