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Saturday, 18 September 2010

If your Listening...

you know that myth, that apparently people used to be one person with two heads and so now we all go round trying to find our other half...???


I'm sorry but it must be otherwise i'm sure it would be a lot easier to actually do that. So any guys out there that have just found my page on the next blog thing...Any girl that says all of things you want to hear such as ''oh no prom sucks lets not bother'' or I'm perfectly happy as an independent single'' or ''swept of my feet, naa not me'' unless they're deranged, ...........................

IS LYING.................A LOT

so I have to apologize to you guy population but yes you do have to ask her to prom if you actually do wanna go with her. No matter how much it might scare you, But honestly whats to lose, except your pride there's not a lot

deal with it xxxx

til next time



  1.'re right :P like will smith says at the start of Hitch, " No woman wakes up thinking, God I hope I DON'T get swept off me feet day"
    soooo gooooood

  2. OMG the beguinning of that movie is pure brillaint xxxx
