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Tuesday, 28 September 2010
strong again...
''see the thing about life, is that it's just too short''
''coz I never ever ever ever, thought that it would ever get better''
I can hold my head high, I'm strong again, I'm strong again
LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 19 September 2010
laugh If you want...
It wasn't until Hannah asked me to be bridesmaid at her wedding that I thought of this, as much as we all are scared, excited, shitting yourself or genuinely not worried, about this next couple of terms and it's end result.
We will get there.
And to be perfectly honest,
I'm not to optimistic about what's gonna happen to me (don't tell my mum) As I am I've discovered a notorious procrastinator.
If only I got paid for keeping this blog, *sigh*
Saturday, 18 September 2010
If your Listening...
I'm sorry but it must be otherwise i'm sure it would be a lot easier to actually do that. So any guys out there that have just found my page on the next blog thing...Any girl that says all of things you want to hear such as ''oh no prom sucks lets not bother'' or I'm perfectly happy as an independent single'' or ''swept of my feet, naa not me'' unless they're deranged, ...........................
IS LYING.................A LOT
so I have to apologize to you guy population but yes you do have to ask her to prom if you actually do wanna go with her. No matter how much it might scare you, But honestly whats to lose, except your pride there's not a lot
deal with it xxxx
til next time
Friday, 17 September 2010
hey there...
at a party currently, so as you may of guessed this aint my compter,
anyways i'd better get myself together but you know i wont, i will probs carry on rambling, does anyone else think that that needs to be a carry on movie,
I'm properly obsessed with three days grace, and OI giirlband we need to the jazz song sway
Sunday, 12 September 2010
- me Hattie and fei fei went Portsmouth outlet shopping for her birthday
- And in conjunction to this I have now been converted
- me kaytei and Hattie all ate to much, gossiped, and slept for a total of about three hours
- then a bunch of us went into town yet a again (we need another proper big meet up I think)
- And just now Kathrine Jenkins crucified bring me to life by Evanescence
so yeah a brief overview of stuff for now anyway...
Friday, 10 September 2010
And the only real reason for wanting more comedy, more people to take the mic out of Justin Beiber and Jedward (yes I do have more respect for jedward)
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Monday, 6 September 2010
How do boys feel when girls make the first move?
1) Public humiliation
2) Public humiliation in front of a girl
3) Moths with special powers (that might just be me though)
So, aside from the spectre of a bleak future governed by mutant moths, moving in on a girl is what scares us boys the most. Meaning that when chicks try to get off with us, we're very grateful. There's just too much pressure on boys. If you time a first move to perfection, thunder will crackle overhead as your lips meet in an embrace so intense you're both oblivious to the rain pelting down onto your drenched bodies. If you time it badly, you'll release an involuntary beef crisp burp onto her upper lip. Then you notice you're being watched by a urinating tramp. It's a fine line between Hugh Grant and Avram Grant. So it's no wonder boys are wracked with nerves when they're expected to act. He might be so scared he does nothing at all, even if he's dead keen. In which case you may be forced to put him out of his misery. He'll appreciate it. That said, you have to at least give him a chance. Although it's great when girls jump you, it's kind of more romantic when you jump them. Try to make it easy for him, but if he's useless - pounce. Ideally, it should work either way - boys and girls can both make the first move. My advice is: follow your heart, embrace spontaneity and - please, please - don't ever trust a moth.
Why do boys seem to only like girls with perfect faces and bodies?
Perfect, eh? I once ordered a pizza from a place that claimed it made the perfect pizza. But my pizza wasn’t perfect, because I found a fingernail on it. That’s true. (And yes, I did still eat it.) So what does perfect mean? The dictionary definition is: ‘entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings’. But I can’t think of anyone like that, apart from me. True, the girls you see on TV or in magazines tend to have so-called perfect faces and bodies. But that’s mainly because someone has fiddled with them on Photo shop to remove their imperfections. Maybe if a lad spent his whole life locked in a dungeon watching 90210 (although lethal injection seems a less severe punishment), he might be disappointed by real-life women. But most boys realise that not all girls look perfect, and the ones that do wouldn’t pull them anyway. So expectations are quickly downgraded. Another dictionary definition of perfect is: ‘exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose’. In other words, it depends what you’re looking for in a girl. For a few boys, that might be model-Esq features. For others, a bubbly personality. For Alex Reid, a lot of fake tan. Or for many lads, just an ability to breathe. So we all define it differently. And I suppose, if your favourite toppings are pepperoni and nails, that pizza I received might be ‘the one’ for you too. But in general, perfection is a bit of a myth – and a girl doesn’t need to achieve it to make a boy perfectly happy.
How can you tell if a lad doesn't fancy you?
This should be easy. How about... he never talks to you, he says you smell, he chases you with a stick, he steals your crisps, he puts spiders in your pencil case... Oh hold on, these could also be signs that he DOES fancy you. Tricky. Signs from boys can be confusing because if they fancy you, they might overcompensate in trying to not reveal their feelings. In other words, they'll act like idiots. So there are few obvious signs a boy doesn’t like you, unless he literally throws you in front of a speeding milk cart (although even this could be borne of repressed desire). At the same time, just because a boy is horrible to you it doesn’t mean he wants your snogs. Maybe he just is horrible, or he simply thinks you’re a plum. If you are pestering a lad and he routinely blanks you, that’s a pretty good sign he's not interested. But otherwise, it's difficult to know for sure. In fact the biggest sign is not idiocy, or niceness - it’s indifference. Don’t confuse this with silence. An indifferent boy might often speak to you, he just won’t think anything of it. So he’ll be completely relaxed around you, will rarely remember what you told him and won't make any special effort to be funny or charming (although if he's anything like me, that will be unavoidable). But by definition, indifference is the hardest thing to detect. So the only way you can really know is by strolling up to him and writing 'I love you' on his forehead. If he doesn't fancy you, he'll call the police.
yh theres more but I'm getting bored of copying and pasting now
Sunday, 5 September 2010
together we're one in a million (don't be afraid)
together we're one in a million (don't be afraid)
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Neopolitant Taffy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well looking forward to your birthday thing Kaytei...
I'm probz gonna watch hostel 2 tonight coz I'm that cool. oh and can I just say that Simon, George and Horatio cannot spell for shit and also that if either of them read this now I'm screwed XD oh well it was good while it lasted.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
HAZAAR !!!!!!!!!!!!
town today was rather good, I remember thinking how come some guys have no manners ???? that is not me being stereotypical btw, some of are lot are lovely but seriously, Blatant disregard much ????
Ahh crap, so year 11 huh ??? wow where did all of my life go????
like it or love it or leave it.......then you whispered in my ear, together we're one in a million, don't be afraid
get out of my head
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Great minds think alike. . .
forgot how much I love come around by M.I.A ft. Timbaland odd but stylish song that.