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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Wasn't sure about this, But hey. Fuck it.

It is one of the greater oddities in society now that a larger group of people, seem entirely not bothered about just outright deliberate abuse towards 'man's best friend'
-wait, you thought you were going to read 'children' or 'the elderly' perhaps. But no, dogs have always been at least a partial help to society with police dogs and dogs that work with the blind or disabled. And they get rewarded with cruelty on a silver platter of different levels. This is a matter that has been in dire need of addressing for a while now.

Granted, I am not about to preach that dogs are perfect by any means, otherwise you wouldn't frequently here about children being attacked and killed by dogs in the news papers. But on the flip side of that no one ever explains to the parents of the child at the time why it was so likely to have happened, just imagine it now. A mother and father are watching the paramedics drive away with their now stone cold dead 7 year old girl because a German shepherd has ripped her throat out. And the dog expert on hand says something along the lines of ''the dog was provoked. If you had just told your child that running towards a dog head on with her harms in the air is actually threatening to a dog she wouldn't have come across as a threat.'' Need I say more? This is of course completely exaggerated and of course anything that kills a child deserves to die, the only thing I’m trying to say is that if we had to get licenses for dogs in the UK like most other countries have to, we wouldn’t have careless owners and it would never happen anyway.

Fact is, any owner of a dog that has attacked a child is entirely to blame for it and although it goes against all dog psychology and will be hard in the early stages to introduce. If all owners simply socialised their dogs early in there upbringing, we would have no issue. I compelled to mention at this point that dogs are not the only reason that children die needlessly; they are just the most unacceptable due to being the most controllable with someone who knows what they’re doing. Freak accidents, horrible diseases and sometimes even there own parents, but you don't hear anyone saying ''I hate all parents, they don't deserve to exist'' because you know that's unrealistic. Believe it or not I do have a point to make. That being, that the main cause of abuse, and possibly the worst one is still rife through out the show dog world because it is right out in the open being justified by so called 'experts'. This is the breeding of 'pedigree' dogs. What this is effectively, is inbreeding the same breed of dog, so it's 'purer' in the eyes of judges and a certain kind of buyer that does it purely for social status. And if you think this is bad so far, there is more.
RSPCA Chief Vet Mark Evans called the Crufts show "a parade of mutants" and "a freakish, garish beauty pageant that has frankly nothing to do with health and welfare." He pointed out that breed standards take no account of temperament and fitness for purpose.
One of my most hated examples of this is present in more than one different breed. Two major ones are German Shephards and Rhodesian Ridgebacks, which according to these so called 'breed experts' have to have certain appearance traits in order to classify as the pedigree version of the animal. First flaw that this entire concept has is that in the Rhodesian Ridgebacks the 'Ridge' that makes them so famous and desirable to some quite twisted people, is actually only so prominent because of very unethical breeding (or rather inbreeding). Meaning these dogs are prime candidates for Hip dysplasia and Dermoid sinus, along with a breed specific form of deafness and hypothyroidism, symptoms of this include weight gain and hair loss. Both things that only became a problem because of inbreeding and the effect it has, The German Shepard is also prone to both of these conditions along with a few others due to it's apparently 'pure' breeding. Meaning that frequent mother to son, father to daughter and brother to sister mating happens. The worst thing about this is that it's all completely deliberate and it's done to get a product, the product itself being the litter that is born. Because of twisted people manipulating the breed to what apparently looks more aesthetically pleasing, with absolutely no regard for the dogs well being and health. For the 'show' quality German Shepard dog, their back legs should be shorter than their front resulting in their walking being impaired because of the huge slant in their spine. Is this helpful? Is this beneficial? And more importantly is this ethically correct? Quite frankly, no. It needs to end. And the amount of breeds that get affected by this is far vast than I can even hope to advertise, but the list never ends. British bull dogs now with breathing problems, boxers that have epilepsy. Dogs are being bread to be born with genetic disorders and all manner of health problems, because they otherwise don't meet so called 'breeding standards'.
Worse still, people can and will try to justify it with stories of children being killed. Fact is not all dogs do this and what these breeders are getting away with is cold hearted and unnecessary cruelty to animals for what is basically the owners and show judges personal gain. It is unethical and cruel and people are still getting away with it, for no other reasoning then that people are making money, if you ask yourself nothing else, ask this. Would you think it was acceptable for people? No animals are not by any means equal to humans, but if someone is willing to be so cruel to anything innocent living thing, I do not believe I can convey how I feel towards them in writing.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Something is wrong.

Well there are more than a few things that are what classify as my definition of wrong at the moment, but they are somewhat unimportant to anyone else. But what I was actually referring to was my writing recently. It's been not as good on this sodding thing. In my coursework recently and just all round, I feel ever so slightly lost as to what has happened to it...

As well as that everyone seems to be knowing what they're doing all the time, and actually managing to cope with there work and any exceptions to this, Piss of everything has exceptions, all I really mean by this is, well. I don't know what I mean, and that more than anything is what is annoying me.

Anarchy, Insanity and confusion xoxo

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Don't you love it when

your entire out look on life is summed up by something completely phenomenal, just when everything has gone wrong, or just isn't how you want it, and then something-however small or huge happens and reminds you that everything actually isn't that bad, life can be pretty fucking awesome sometimes. And even when your upset or think that everything is going to collapse around you, remember that humans have emotions, it's ok to be upset about shit that goes wrong or even for no reason. Being human. Make it what you want. Live it how you like, it's not going to wait for you.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Friday, 27 January 2012

Dear Friend,

you know who you are, or you will after this. I know I have said I am jealous several times. (I am a lil) but also incredibly happy for you. I don't think anyone else deserved that as much as you.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Oh Look.

I'm yet again avoiding doing anything remotely useful. Well the fuck done Summer.

so true.

Love this. Almost a bit to much. Wait no, not possible.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Brilliant Moment When I am actually allowed to Say Awkward.

So we were innocently trying to film all over town today for Louise's music video,and it had been going fairly well until REALLY in-your-face couples kept appearing everywhere. So there's frequent clips of Harvey, and someone. with a couple sucking face just behind. This happened more than once and worse still we ran into the worst one in fucking sainsburys!!! grrr.

And I am yet again fucked. Well done Summer.

peace the fuck out xoxo

Friday, 20 January 2012


No. I am sorry but this won't be one of my renound 'deep' posts. (but one of those is needed) All I am referring to is how many different moods will hit me in the course of a day. I mean. Psychology mock < Dance class, or rather taking the piss out of my dance teacher with Ruby yet again...and I realised why she is so funny...year nine, at broadwater. Nuff said. *dance teacher accidently bumps into girl called Zara* Ruby: ''like a tractor running over a log'' OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH SHHHHHNNNAAPPPPPPPPP!!!

I belive that is all, oh wait Evan: ''how did your test go''. me: ''shit.'' * hysterical laughter*


Anarchy and Insanity xoxo


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Dearest Kaytei,

I feel bad, I have a dedicated blog post you now need one also. As late as I was reading yours it made me smile all the same. And I Love you gorgeous girl.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012


I hate being ill. Granted I don't think I know anyone that likes, feeling and looking like shit (any more than normal) and possibly sounding you swallowed a harmonica...but. I'm English ok. Nuff said.

And for anyone that is really, really bored. Here is the first rough version of my writing to entertain coursework.

You know This Is True, You're Just In Denial.

This is a matter that I have thought about greatly for a while, been told about greatly by all of my male acquaintances and I feel it is time for it to be addressed. Girls. Yes you. Every single one of you with maybe one or two exceptions have done at least one of the following things. I obviously cannot prove this so I'll leave it to you to deicide, but if you don't own up then your either, way to perfect for everyone or a liar. And If you are a guy then by all means carry on reading but I really don't think you'll find out anything new. By no means am I going to be completely stereotypical and only accept my side of this argument, Guys are also frustrating, this is not something that I will for a minute try to dispute (being a straight girl myself). I'm simply arguing this point because I feel as though it is hardly touched on. And sometimes almost deliberately avoided.

Lets get something straight. Humans are flawed. Women are, and men are. But everything from teenage girls, to the media constantly points a finger at the male population for all of their wrongs and women are frequently and quite falsely labelled as these goddesses that can do know wrong. Worse still, any woman that has had friends in her life will tell you what utter crap that is. Girls are evil, deceitful, snake tongued creatures at times and this just gets overlooked as if it where some dust on the banister. Whereas a guy does one small thing wrong and is shunned by the girl, her parents and
her friends. Popular culture as recently been flooded with these ideas that no matter what the situation, the man is to blame. For instance in a classic romance novel or film If the man cheats or ends it with her he is then automatically made into the bad guy, this is fair enough for cheating and maybe for a messy breakup, but the idea that whatever was wrong could even slightly have been the girls fault is just not even possible, or mentioned. This is even more noticeable in fictional situations where the woman has in fact cheated on the man and the plot is twisted to make it seem, almost justified because she 'fell in love with someone she wasn't allowed to' or 'her partner was not emotionally there for her', fact is; She still cheated and simply because she is a woman she gets given the moral foreground either way and the man is portrayed as useless typical man.

I also feel compelled to mention the so called 'double standard' by this I mean the fact that as of recent years women have been striving to get more independence and they've been getting it. And yet as soon as they date they're putting themselves back where they started. By either expecting their significant other to pay for them or even just constantly look after her. I am by no means saying that women now have to pay for themselves otherwise equality is destined to fail. But it is simply hypocritical to expect the the rights of men, and still expect the niceties of being a weak little princess. Same goes for high maintenance girlfriends, I know you're out there. Most likely wearing something very expensive that you 'just had to have' and got using your tried and tested puppy dog face. He should buy you things because he wants to make you happy if that is how he feels, not because he was damn near forced to. And that said when was the last time you did something sweet for him? Don't expect what you aren't willing to give back.

On a side note to that feminism itself or modern feminism anyway is uncalled for. Because as I'm sure you've heard someone else say it is trying to achieve equality by focussing entirely on the issues of one gender. When surely to achieve equality you need to be trying to help both sides. As previously mentioned, now because of feminism the male population are overly scrutinised for any wrong they do and whenever they feel like it they can just accuse men of being discriminative and mostly get what they want. On the radio the other day I heard the phrase 'Women and men' used in a news report and found myself annoyed that the so called 'fight for rights' had gotten that far. It's not injustice, it's not cruelty it's simply tradition, the same as the woman taking the man's name in marriage, which I hasten to add is not even required any more.

Moving on to slightly more shallow flaws I have noticed, one of which being the fact that girls shamelessly fish for compliments, and I know this one to be true because I have noticed myself doing it. Think how many times you have been with your girlfriends or your boyfriend and said something like ''uh I look horrible today'' or ''I wish I was pretty'' to get the ''no you don't, you look gorgeous'' or the ''But you are'' response from whoever you are with. My response to this would not actually be coherent so we'll leave it that.

This Intrigues me...

This is logical. Jussayin. Obviously not in all cases but yeah.

Also. Kaytei (no that's not wrong spell check). Interview. Now.

Loves xoxo

Monday, 16 January 2012


this is just lovely. I feel kinda crappy not gonna lie. But on the plus side i actually did some work, and have now worked how that I'm physically incapable of doing work any time before 10pm.

*insert obligatory link here*


Sunday, 15 January 2012

That Horrible Moment

when you realise that your gonna be ill for at least two weeks. And that you still have coursework to do and that even the sun couldn't cheer you up. Good fucking times eh? On the plus side I'm liking having three new albums on my iPod.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Saturday, 14 January 2012

That went well...

if you know me you should know that sarcasm is a thing I have warmed to recently, meaning that even though my evening was fairly pleasurable, I managed to (even when given the opportunity to) say nothing to the seemingly friendly, incredibly good looking and need I say talented as fuck guitarist, 'well the fuck done' is all I could really think to myself. Self confidence eh? wonderful thing when to have when it stays loyal to you and doesn't scarper of out the fucking door when you need it. (or it's shoved out by logic).

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Friday, 13 January 2012

Dance and ting.

Always entertaining when you and one other person both hate someone. I say this since me and ruby probably spent the remainder of our lesson talking, being loud, being distracted, and basically doing anything except dancing to piss off our cow of a teacher. One of my personal favourites being ''She's a bit chunky for a dancer, her legs look like lard'' I loled. mainly because if it was anyone else a comment like that would be offensive, but this is A, a cow, and B, a person that apparently dances everyday.

So moving on...learning the shit out of this bitch,
(lack of embed due to lack of interesting vid.


Anarchy and Insanity xoxo

Tuesday, 10 January 2012



Have I really?

Been jammy enough to tie in the next blog post I wanna do with my writing to entertain coursework...we shall see. And if any of the rats escape again I think I might cry...catching this one required bite proof gloves and 2 heavy boxes. And this time it
was not me being clumsy forgetting to close a cage door, it was purely because the cage is shit and can clearly be opened from the inside by the creature it was invented to contain...What the shit? I GIVE UP!

Anarchy and insanity xoxo

Monday, 9 January 2012

When there is nothing else...

Post some shit on your internetz. always good. But still find it entertaining that even of my more enjoyed past effort. And this made ma laugh...hope you will to...

*ignores the fact that she has done no all.*

Loves xoxo

Friday, 6 January 2012


Disclaimer: If you are in a good mood. Do not read this.

yeah so south west trains suck (2 fucking hours, really?), I feel like shit, and I was up all night for nothing because I ended up not even going in due to feeling like crap. yayz for me.

''Pepsi max: like if you've got that friday feeling!'' Yes. because I can now be lazy and do nothing. ahhhh. Wait... that awesome friday feeling of coursework that even though I will (try and fail to) spend all weekend doing still won't get finished, Or be as good as I want it. Especially failing with the one subject I actually want to do well in.

that will be all for now

Thursday, 5 January 2012


to anyone that was inflicted with me for all of today (even though it technically hasn't happened yet) Due to the fact that It is now 5am and if anyone is up this early WTF?. All nighters for the win. I blame no one but myself for it, I only did it because I know if I had gone to sleep I would have not have been up in time to go. And I also had about 4 hours of textiles to do. 2 of which gone done, the other two kind of turned into John Tucker Must Die. What can I say nothing will keep you awake like a ridiculously unrealistic chick flick>(implies that any of them are not) hmmmm LINK TIME.

meh...I remember this being better but comicfire7 still pwns all.


Monday, 2 January 2012


My New Year post, wasn't actually on the first *annoyed face* So as much as this won't be as good, it will have to do as an opener.

what it is about suggestive/innuendo humour that is so much funnier when there is a nine year old present to hear and yet understand none of it? That is one thing I don't miss about being nine, Not getting it when all the adults in the room are in fits of laughter and due to me being nine; not knowing what the fuck was going on.

I would explain what the innuendo was but it just won't be as funny.

Anarchy and Insanity xoxo